This is the true story of a woman with only one year to live who decided to see every bird in the world. Click on the image and/or link above and you will be transported to the best video book review I have ever seen.
It was awesome, wasn't it? Don't you want to read this book too?
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You find such fascinating things to share. I've got to get that book. Thanks,
This looks really good!! I love to birdwatch and my 11 year old daughter is obsessed with it. She even keeps a drawing pad filled with birds she's seen. I've been looking around for a good book and nothing has peaked my interest yet - this looks like the one. Thanks Rosemary!!
I have a tiny little book my sister sent me in her last care package and finally started reading it the other night. It's called "A Hummingbird in my House...The Story of Squeak" by Arnette Heidcamp. It's an easy read but have not been able to finish yet. This lady has actually had hummers come in her home. Evidentally, this one forgot to leave for the South and she saved it. It's cool so far! Right now, he's finding his special plants and sliding down leaves and all. Quite amazing.
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