Saturday, August 9, 2014

Have a Great Weekend

So cute. This is what I do too. I have to do a task mentally before I can do it in person. Somehow that always works for me after working it out in my head. Have a great weekend. xo via

Friday, August 8, 2014

Webster, So Close But Not Touching

Webster is still being the best dog ever and he can get this close to the sofa without touching. I'm so proud of him. I was busy with real estate all day and finally the little blue house is all set to close at the end of the month. Whew. 
I am still playing house and have rearranged all of my artwork. The corner behind my TV has a new wall arrangement since this photo was taken. I think I have the room the way I want it finally. I've been rearranging the insides of my kitchen cupboards too. 
I ended up hand weeding the crab grass in the bed near the house and it wasn't that hard because it was growing wood chips, not gravel or turf. I've been digging it out of the driveway too with the pickaxe. I'm fine doing hard work as long as it isn't too hot and the weather has been fantastic. 
I'm looking forward to a lazy evening and maybe some ice cream later. Enjoy yours too. xo

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Indoor and Outdoor Cats

Wow. Look at the size of the white one!
Which do you have? 
Tabitha is both indoor and outdoor.
It's almost chilly outside tonight.
Webster and I just returned from a walk.
Good night -- sleep tight. xo 

Painted Floor with Mariner's Compass

The house I toured on Tuesday had an accurately positioned mariner's compass painted on the floor. I would have preferred it to be lined up with the floor boards. It just seemed wrong to me even though it was right (smile).

Pale Pink Geranium

I'm doing better with my indoor gardening than the outdoor kind.
I'm enjoying the no-weed factor of house plants in the summer. My geraniums that are outside aren't doing nearly as well as the ones I have inside. 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Today's House Tour

This barn-style house was surrounded by wildflower meadows.

I wandered through the middle on a path.

The gardens were lovely too. There were numerous baskets full of home-grown vegetables near the garages but I didn't see the kitchen garden.

I love the broken stone patio on one side of the pool. I was inspired to come home and pull weeds and got one large garbage can full before I quit because I was hot. I'll repeat tomorrow. xo

Mourning Dove this Morning

I love these birds.