Sunday, July 29, 2012

Keep Calm Rug ~ For the Athletes

So appropriate for the 2012 London Olympics. I'll take either color! Or one of each. Wouldn't it be nice to have a quote underfoot? I blogged this rug a long time ago and decided it was time to post it again for everyone participating in the Summer Games.

Wonderful Rabbit Sculpture

I love this sculpture by Olga Ziemska made of cut twig pieces, adhesive, enamel, and fiberglass.

Here is a close-up of the heartwood used as mosaic pieces.

This sculpture was created in 2011 and exhibited outdoors for the 7th Annual Public Art campaign celebrating the Chinese Lunar Year in Cleveland. Read more here.

My Replies Aren't Being Sent

If you haven't registered your email address on your Blogger profile I can no longer reply directly to you after you leave a comment. Those emails aren't going through and are being bounced back to me. From now on if your email address shows as: noreply-comment[at] I will leave a reply in the comments section. xo, Rosemary

Leather Sofas for the Dogs

They could each have a sofa but they prefer to squeeze on one. Webster has a two-seater red one downstairs that he loves to stretch out on and he takes up the whole thing. These two labs are beautiful, aren't they and their owners must give them free run of the house. I'd love a tour. via

Tabitha Finds A Flower

She has been spending quite a lot of time in this spot watching the cleome volunteer get bigger. I just looked at the local weather report and we are supposed to have thunder showers for the next five days. It's much cooler and the A/C is off and all the windows are open. Everyone is happy to be able to hear the sounds of outside instead of being sealed in a refrigerator. Enjoy your Sunday and I'll see you later.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

2 Deer with Antlers Visit My Cottage

Luckily my big Nikon with the telephoto lens was on the coffee table when I spotted these two deer near my cottage at dusk. I sneaked outside and they froze and posed very nicely for me. They are beauties, aren't they? The buck to the rear has a bigger rack. Now, back to the Olympics. See you tomorrow.
my photo

Have a Happy Weekend

It's Not Easy Being Green - Chirp