Monday, June 4, 2012

Double Decker Porch

When one porch is not enough, stack them. via

Cooling the Pies

If you close your eyes and inhale deeply, you can smell these pies cooling on the windowsill. via

Ivy Covered Dream House

Here is another classic country house with more cooperative ivy than the last one I posted. It's lovely, isn't it? I woke up to another cool rainy day. It seems the British weather has come to America. I enjoyed watching bits and pieces of the Queen's Jubilee yesterday with similar weather. Have a great week. via

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Jessie Wilcox Smith illustration

This looks like a good idea. Hope you had a good weekend. Goodnight. via

Moth on Window Screen at My Cottage

I still use my Nikon SLR for photos like this. I couldn't have captured this moth on the screen in my bedroom with my iPhone. It's good to have more than one camera. 

Piglet Rescues Tiger

Piglet cures broken heart of Tiger Mom. Click here for full story. Awwww.

No Mow Cottage

I'm drawn to this image since I spent the better part of two hours late yesterday afternoon 'mowing' my front lawn with my electric weed trimmer. The grass so long after all of the rain we had I had to whack it before I can mow it. This looks like a great solution, doesn't it? via
I must say this delightful photo makes me dislike house numbering in certain areas. Thank goodness we have normal house numbers where I live thanks to the town fathers that refused to go by the system shown on this old house. One can imagine this one is located is a very rural location and not in on a street where there are 1,014 houses before you get to this one. Maybe it's 1,015 miles to town center. Who knows? I think it deserves a lower number because of its age, don't you?

Best Sunroom Ever!

Deborah Leamann Interiors - From the floor to the ceiling and everything in between, I love it all. Have a lovely Sunday.