Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Did I Mention That I Am Sick?

I woke up on Tuesday morning with a vicious sore throat and I took to my bed.
While rummaging around in one of the bathroom cabinets looking for something to relieve my symptoms I discovered this very Neti Pot and packages of a saline mixture. I had forgotten all about having it. I immediately started irrigating my sinuses every couple of hours and I think it has had a marvelous result. I've been able to breathe and I think this little device is going to keep the cold from traveling into my chest. Fingers crossed. It has been years since I've had been sick and I blame it on this warm weather. 
Other things that are helping: watching movies in bed and drinking plenty of liquids. I was glad I could bring my laptop into the bedroom so I could still manage my blog. I hope I can stay awake to watch Revenge tonight. See you tomorrow.

Wonderful Bookplate

This is great, isn't it?

Too Gorgeous for Words

Could anything be lovelier?

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Three Dogs Hamming it Up - Hilarious

The expression on the wiener dog cracks me up.
Each one is trying to out do the other.

Miniature Period Room Doll House on a Bookshelf

I love this open ended box that became a period room on a shelf with books of the same period. Made by sweetington .. see more photos of this shelf room on flickr. Found on Book, Paper, Scissors

Duchess of Devonshire with Her Chickens

The duchess with her beloved chickens at Chatsworth in the 1990s. Photograph: Christopher Simon Sykes/Getty Images

Wait For Me: Memoirs of the Youngest Mitford Sister
by Deborah Devonshire
I've been saving this article and book review from the Guardian until I could sit and enjoy it and this morning was the perfect time. If you are looking for the ideal Christmas gift for a friend who is a dyed in the wool Anglophile, this is certainly a book to consider.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Day is Done at My Cottage

What we saw on the wonder dog's after-dinner walk. Mine is still on the stove cooking and it smells delicious. It is so handy having my iPhone in my pocket.

Delightful Cabin Bedroom

I love this cabin porch conversion to a children's bedroom. Especially if the grandparents have the cabin next door. I think a family compound would be delightful--togetherness with privacy. via

Laundry Day in Winter

I am glad to see someone else thinks it's never to cold to hang out the clothes. By Alec Soth, Sleeping by the Mississippi. Peter’s Houseboat, Winona Minnesota 2002

We are still having unusually mild weather and I have already put in my first load. Monday is the traditional laundry day after all.