Saturday, August 13, 2011

Mid-August Mowing

The spirit moved me to mow at a little after 3pm this afternoon. All went well and at a little after 6pm I was finished with the back, middle and way back and side. The only thing I still have to do is the front. It is raining now and is supposed to rain tomorrow too. I was so happy I didn't have to stop even once and didn't run out of gas either. Hooray. It was really long but nothing my trusty Snapper couldn't handle.

Pot Envy

Look closely and you'll see Piggy lurking in the background. Webster found the pot somewhere (at least 6 hours after breakfast) and his long pointed snout was able to get some oatmeal The Pig missed.

The houseguest is asking the host if he can have it back and of course Webster said yes.

Fine Bindings at My Cottage | Antiquarian Books

I can't remember when I took this photo of a couple of the bookshelves in my bedroom filled with beautiful bindings. These put me to sleep every night -- my flat screen is below these upper shelves. Have a great weekend. I'm having a wonderful Saturday so far. See you later.

Happiness is a Good Oatmeal Pan to Lick

The oatmeal stuck to the bottom of the pan this morning and Piggy is thrilled. He's had his head stuck in there for the past half hour trying to get every morsel. Food is quite precious to him since he is on a diet. Last week the vet said he must lose a few of his 24 pounds before winter sets in when this breed has a real tendency to pack on weight. He has scooted the pan all over the kitchen so maybe it is a workout as well. Hope you find your bliss too this weekend.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Shaker Style Bedroom in Renovated Barn

This is the virtual bedroom that will be mine for the weekend. Isn't it nice? The renovated barn was moved from Canada to Connecticut. Have a great weekend.

A Lifelong Friendship with Books

19th Century Gardening Clothes

Dressed and ready to garden by George Dunlop Leslie. English, (1835-1921). There doesn't seem to be much for her to do except for a little watering. Don't you love the walled garden with the little brick building?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

A French Bulldog Watching the Deer

A little after-dinner excitement for The Pig. I am not sure whether or not he has ever seen deer grazing before since his property at home has deer fencing. He didn't make a peep but watched them very intently for quite a while. The fawns are getting big and their spots are almost gone. Webster came inside to look for pans to lick.