Sunday, July 17, 2011

Where Are The People?

I hope they are off somewhere in the yard playing a wicked game of croquet. Have a wonderful Sunday. It's a delightful morning here at my cottage. xo


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Goodnight Kisses

Goodnight kisses all around. I'm hitting the hay. via Baby Lions and Their Mothers.

I See The Moon

Don't forget to look at the moon before you go to bed tonight. This very moon was in the sky outside my bedroom window last night but I can never get my photos to look like this. It was the first night of the full moon and it was orange like a harvest moon too. I've had a great day so far today...hope you have too.

Woodland Ferns at The Cottage

The skunk cabbage is starting to die but the ferns are still looking good in the woods at the cottage. Photo taken in the cool of the evening yesterday.

Another Horse Walks By My Cottage


I was closing all the windows just now so I could turn on the central air and luckily my camera was handy to show you another horse taking a walk past the cottage. Webster no longer barks when they ride by. It's getting hot again so here's hoping you stay cool. 

Aga + Subway Tile Love

I love everything that I'm able to see in this kitchen, don't you? I wonder if the owner turned off this Aga cooker for the summer? People that have them love them. I don't cook enough to justify having a range this expensive in my kitchen. Everyone seems to be grilling outside until after Labor Day. Stay cool.  


Raspberries in The Wild

My wild raspberries are everywhere and taking a walk around the cottage is a true delight. I took this photo on my dessert stroll after dinner yesterday. Have a delicious weekend. xo

Lovely Pot of Flowers

Oil painting of a pot of flowers by British artist Barbara Richardson. I hope your weekend is just as lovely. xo