Monday, January 24, 2011

Life's Little Instruction Book | Volume II, Page 31


More great advice from a father to a son. I love this little book, don't you? 

Content in a Cottage

Hot Coffee on A Cold Morning

This cold snap will be over by tomorrow thankfully. I didn't stay out very long with the Wonder Dog because I heard on the news frostbite can set in very quickly. I'll keep you posted. He seems fine and has a good appetite. We go back to the vet on Thursday. Thanks for all of your kind notes to Webster. I took this picture of my steaming mug of coffee recently but not today. Later, Rosemary.

Content in a Cottage

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Webster Says Goodnight

I finished all of my chores early tonight. I can't wait to jump in my bed and get ready to watch Downton Abbey on PBS. Webster sends his thanks for all of your kind notes wishing him a speedy recovery from his skin infection. He is already tucked in. Lately he's been bunking on the floor beside my  so I can keep an eye on him through the night. I put a barricade at the door so he can't sneak away and sleep on one of the sofas. Just in case he does, there are books on all of the cushions. His big horse pills have relieved the inflammation and he sleeps peacefully through the night. Thank goodness for modern medicine. See you all tomorrow. Goodnight.

Content in a Cottage

The Most Amazing Doors I've Ever Seen

The doors, the transom windows, the design, the color, the carved stonework surround all combined  leave me absolutely speechless. From A Cottage In The Woods

Content in a Cottage

Agnes Obel ~ Riverside

So mysterious and beautiful. From the album 'Philharmonics' by Agnes Obel

Content in a Cottage

Webster is Under the Weather

I'm not trying to humiliate my dear dog Webster but I wanted you to know he has a problem. He had to have a shot on Thursday and he's taking 4 pills a day to help clear up a skin infection on his chin and his paws. I put socks on him last night to keep him from licking his feet and it worked well. He's napping on my bed right now listening to NPR. He feels fine that the medications have kicked in. I just hope it isn't something awful that will require a biopsy when we go back to the new vet next week. We both like Dr. Coleman so very much!

Content in a Cottage

Today is National Handwriting Day

Today is National Handwriting Day 2011

National Handwriting Day was the invention of the Writing Instrument Manufacturers Association and was inaugurated to remind us of the importance of Handwriting as a skill and a means of communication and personal identification. Never has this concept been more important than now, when the digital age tricks us into thinking that it would be perfectly fine if handwriting were to become obsolete. Here are the just 5 reasons why it wouldn't:
  • Handwriting as an activity involves more of the human brain than any other activity except for speech. "Use it or lose it....."
  • For most people, the act of writing is slower than the act of keyboarding. Sometimes it is a good idea to slow things down and consider more carefully what one is communicating.
  • Let's not lose the ability to communicate more personally - Computers are great, but let's not put all our communication eggs in that one basket.
  • The act of learning to write plays a special part in the development of young brains, and should not be discarded thoughtlessly.
  • The skilled handwritten signature is still an excellent method of identifying an individual and a document.
I found the above information here. Are you going to write something today? I think I will fill up my fountain pen that was a high school graduation present and see if I can still write as beautifully as I once could. I still have a bottle of permanent black ink. See one of my previous posts on this subject with some flash cards to download and print.

Content in a Cottage

Saturday, January 22, 2011