Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Raindrops keep falling on my head . . .

Some random photos I took around the cottage yesterday:

I know I sound like a broken record but when even Mr. Toad can't face life outside his toad house, it's time for some sun. He is humiliated that there was a piece of grass on his head but I think he's still very handsome, don't you?

Content in a Cottage

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Philadelphia Garden Tour . . .

I really enjoyed this wonderful article and slideshow that was in a recent issue of the New York Times.

From modest urban green spaces to colossal Edens, the Philadelphia area is laden with public gardens that provide a mix of history, terrain, setting and atmosphere. Ablaze in color, these green spaces around the city are showing their best face.

I am pretty sure these gardens are wondering if they were transplanted to a rain forest at the moment. They are having the same rainy weather pattern that I've been experiencing.

Images: New York Times

Content in a Cottage

Monday, June 8, 2009

Antique American Quilts | Architectural Digest Slideshow . . .

Descriptions and additional photos in slideshow gallery.

Architectural Digest is known for its stunning photographs. The article in a slideshow format is wonderful. I showed 8 of the 17 photos above. Complete descriptions are in the captions. I would love to sleep in the barn (2nd photo) since it's summer at my house. But I would want to turn the bed around so I could see outside. Wouldn't it be fun to take turns sleeping in each of these rooms? I have different reasons for liking each one.

Happy Monday. Hope you have a wonderful week.
Photos: Architectural Digest

Content in a Cottage

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Full moon in June + Life's Little Instruction Book, page 100 . . .

There was a beautiful "harvest moon" last night that looked very much like one you would see in the fall. I took a photo and played around with it this morning. Is that Mars to the lower left? My camera lens was zoomed out to 200. Now I want a telescope! Maybe I will find one at an estate sale. I am hopelessly addicted to anything with a long lens. I wish I could have captured the detail of the man-in-the-moon that I saw with my eyes.

We are quickly approaching the end of this book. Boo Hoo!

...To be continued...

I am later than usual getting this Sunday Morning post together. I am trying to get more balance in my life and that includes less computer time. Plus I don't want to be so predictable. I will still do a daily post but at different times each day. It's summer and I want to enjoy it.

Have a wonderful day. The sun is finally shining after a week of rain. Hooray!

Content in a Cottage

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Portrait of a watering can. . .

I always look for old interesting watering cans at tag sales. I've had this one for years. The stool was built by the original owner of my cottage. He lived to be 100. I am the second owner. I use this primitive step stool all the time when I need a boost. There is an oval cutout in the top that makes it easy to grab and carry. It's built like a battleship and should last for at least another 100 years.

Content in a Cottage

Monday, June 1, 2009

Red-Bellied Woodpecker at my feeder . . .

I feel as I have been neglecting my blogging community of late. I have been rather bogged down with projects around the house, real estate customers, and just the pure maintenance of life.

This feeder hangs outside my bathroom window. A nice big fat red-bellied woodpecker kept coming this morning. I photographed him through the screen. I love these birds!

Content in a Cottage

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Photo of the Day | Buttercups in Blue Vase . . .

I love these shiny little yellow flowers that grow wild with no coaxing or care. My kind of wildflowers! I think they look so pretty in the antique cobalt blue bulb forcing vase that is white on the inside.

Content in a Cottage