Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Interesting chart to review while watching the presidential debates tonight . . .

The first image is a very interesting chart that you can enlarge for better viewing with just one click. It shows the winning presidential candidates from the past based on height and weight. It is not at all scientific...just very interesting.

You know I will be watching the debates tonight and hopefully you will be too.

It has never been more important to be informed! Election Day is exactly 4 weeks from today!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Elephant Stew Recipe . . .


1 elephant (medium size)
2 rabbits
Salt & Pepper (to taste)

Cut the elephant into bite-size pieces. This will take about 2 months. Add enough brown gravy to cover. Cook over an open fire for about 4 weeks at 465 degrees. This will serve about 3,800 people. If more are expected, 2 rabbits may be added, but do this only in an emergency, as some people do not like to find a hare in their stew.

Content in a Cottage

Henri, the Parisian cat who opposes everything . . .

My thumbs are not opposable, yet I oppose everything! A film by Will Braden. 'A hilarious parody of European existentialism, on a budget probably no pricier than a week's supply of cat food.' LA Weekly 'Will Braden gives voice to Henri pondering the ennui of his pampered life. 'Seattle Times' If you liked the film, you must be a cat lover. Proceed to this post by Will Braden.
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Sunday, October 5, 2008

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Free Download ~ Political Candidates Finger Puppets.

You can make finger puppets for both Presidential Candidates, their wives, and the Vice Presidential candidates too. You will need one sheet of card stock for each puppet. There is a video on the download sheet with instructions...they are really easy to understand without watching it.

Free download from folduscandidate.com

Make all 6 and have some fun. Have your own debates, take some pictures, make a YouTube film, entertain your family and friends. Print lots and share. Have fun.

Enjoy your weekend.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Look what a Kentucky Lawyer did with $10 worth of Sharpie pens . . .

I just had to post about this. Look what Charlie Kratzer of Lexington, Kentucky did to his basement recreation room using $10 worth of sharpie pens and magic markers. Before he started on this project the walls were painted a classic cream. Ten dollars later the place was black and cream and drawn all over.

There are fictional detectives Hercule Poirot and Sherlock Holmes, Winston Churchill lounging with George Bernard Shaw, and the TV squirrel Rocky and his moose pal Bullwinkle. Some of the places of interest include Blenheim Palace and the Cornell Law School (the homeowner/artist is the associate general counsel for Lexmark).

Read the entire article from the Lexington Herald-Leader and see the 360-degree scrolling movie of the whole room instead of the stills I am picturing above.

I am so impressed! This project takes tromp l'oeil to a whole new level.

Thanks, Tim.

Content in a Cottage

A fat cat with a sense of humor . . .

Now here's an image to make you smile and get your day off to a good start!

Content in a Cottage