Monday, July 10, 2017

Milkweed Seed Pods

I have one volunteer milkweed plant growing in the bed next to my Limelight Hydrangea. I can't wait for the seed pods to form and take me back to my childhood when we lived in a house with fields full of these plants the Monarch butterflies love. via

Sunday, July 9, 2017

A Very Welcoming Home

I like what I see here, don't you?
The architectural detailing is wonderful.
The rest of the house is probably amazing.
Enjoy your Sunday Evening. I'm planning to spend it with PBS.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Library at Top of Stairs

This is a nice glimpse into someone's home deor and I like what they've done. The landing at the top of the stairs is especially nice since it has great bookshelves and walls of artwork. found on Google Images.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Blueberry Cake Photo YUM

I wish I could tell you I had the recipe for this particular delicious-looking cake but sadly, I do not! I found another one that looks similar -- recipe here. I am finding I can decrease the amount of sugar called for in all recipes, and the taste is still fine and not overly sweet. Enjoy. xo

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

A Porch with Two Swings

Read about this 660 square foot cottage here. When the page opens, scroll down immediately to get rid of an annoying banner that won't go away.

Monday, July 3, 2017

English Decoration: the book

I know how much most of you love authentic English decor with rooms that have evolved over the years. Tour 18 quintessentially English homes in this new book here. You will love what you see. Have a great July 4th. xo

Sunday, July 2, 2017

A Pup Named Morty

8 weeks old
look at the size of those paws
love the bleeding hearts in the background
his name is Morty