Saturday, October 1, 2016

Octobers - Anne of Green Gables

I grew up loving Anne of Green Gables and I love this quote too. Found on Instagram.

Staircase Bookcases

This is very efficient use for a difficult space, isn't it? Bookcases everywhere is my idea of heaven. Have you said hello to October yet? via

Friday, September 30, 2016

Kitchen in A Magazine

I was in the waiting room at the Radiology Center today waiting for my yearly mammogram. I snapped this photo and then they called my name. I can't remember the name of the magazine but thought this kitchen was nice. It isn't real, just a fake setup in a showroom. I love the table in the center instead of an island. Have a great weekend. When you wake up in the morning, it will be October. 

Don't Feed Fingers to the Horses

This old sign in a barn that no longer has horses made me smile. Photographed at a broker open house on Tuesday. We have another cloudy day and my phone says more raining is coming later in the day. Enjoy the last day of September! Where did it go?????

Thursday, September 29, 2016

A Really Cool Bathroom

It took a while for this galvanized box to register that it is the sink. How clever! I know it's not practical but it is certainly impactful, isn't it? I love the open shelving below and the powder room in general. The person who owns this has no worries about how hard this would be to clean. It's all for show and it makes a delightful photo to study. via
It's raining softly this morning and I'm so glad my mowing was completed in the last two days. Well, almost completed. The view from my balcony doesn't even hint that I didn't do the way, way back and the lower field yet. I'll get those at a later date. xo

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Old Wheelbarrow with Fall Flowers

I photographed this vintage wheelbarrow filled with mums on Tuesday at a broker open house. There was a hose and a lawn sprinkler in the larger photo so I cropped them out. I have been busy cutting my grass really short because we have some rainy days coming. I like short grass before the leaves start to fall so they will blow away. It's looking good and it feels good to be working hard in this nice fall weather. xo

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Fall Apples are The Best

I had a big fat juicy crisp apple today and it was delicious. Not waxed either. Apples are my one of my favorite things about fall. These look like good ones! photo source

Monday, September 26, 2016

Purchases at The Firehouse Sale

A new Kate Spade coffee mug.

A wonderful book on Tools.

Endpapers of a book on Historic Hudson Valley houses.

I put the three photos above on Instagram today. See my page here.