Sunday, September 25, 2016

Another Moving Owl to Delight You

Here's Looking at You!
Enjoy the first Sunday of Fall.
It's a chilly 50ยบ here at the cottage at 8:30 and there is a heavy dew on the meadow. I should organize my sweaters and get some outfits put together so I don't have to think in the morning. See you later. xo
photo source

Friday, September 23, 2016

A House in My Area from The Back

I liked this house much better from the rear when I attended a recent realtor open house. The front of the main house is now all stone and it was once an unassuming cape cod cottage. Everything was totally changed inside and out by the new owners when they bought it seven years ago. Sob. Need I say more?

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Wonderful Early Bookplate

Great early bookplate with a wonderful message for anyone who borrows James Moore's book.
"Note! Neither blemish this book nor the leaves double down. / Nor lend it to each idle friend in the town: / Return it when read -- or if lost please supply / Another, as good to the mind and the eye. / With right and with reason you need but be friends / And each book in my study your pleasure attends."

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

12 Recent Instagram Photos

My most recent dozen Instagram posts. See what they are all about. I'll try to post a page like this from time to time so you can keep up with me there. I know many of you aren't on that social media site. I like it because it's all about photographs. On Instagram, all of the photos are mine.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Morning Glory Enameled Picture Frame

I bought this small frame at an estate sale long ago. I fully expected to replace the photo with one of my own but didn't have the heart. When people pick it up to look at it they always ask who he is. I always say I don't know but he reminds me of my grandfather. They usually say he looks like mine too. So there. He's everybody's grandpa. 

Monday, September 19, 2016

Too Much Leisure Time? Not good!

A page from The Cheerful Cherub by artist and author Rebecca McCann. These single panel newspaper comics appeared daily in the Chicago Evening Post 1914-1927. Each featured the title character, accompanied by his pet dog, speaking a short poem to offer wisdom and wit on many topics. This one is on Leisure.
I am happy to report that we finally have a rainy day. It is perfect for a Monday and it's the good kind of rain that will soak in rather than a gully washer that would just run off. Here's hoping you will get rain too if your area needs it as much as mine does. Have a great week. xo

Friday, September 16, 2016

Angus, The Scottish Cat

Artist Amber Alexander’s Cat in A Classic Outfit. She sells her artwork on Etsy. I found Angus, The Scottish here.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Some of My Recent Instagram Posts

Pictured are 12 thumbnails of my most recent Instagram posts. I know most of you aren't on that social media site and I thought you'd like a peek. 
See them one by one at