Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Portland Apartment w/ House Tour

Take the tour of this Portland stylist's apartment. via Apartment Therapy

Lovely Signed Bookplate

I have been fascinated by bookplates forever. They are tiny works of art that reflect the taste of the owner of the book. I love this miniature bucolic landscape with trees and clouds and a garden urn. Found in a 1931 second edition of 'The Scented Garden'. Signed lower right by bookplate artist and designer Bank B. Gordon. Bookplate collectors will know this name. Shell added for interest.
I think the heat wave has broken today. Fingers crossed. My heart goes out to those affected by the flooding in Louisiana. Mother Nature can be very cruel. I am so fortunate to live in a somewhat protected area. I understand we are all in for a very bad hurricane season. Oh dear!
My car has been in the shop for a couple of days in the hands of a new mechanic I discovered. Nothing was wrong with it, but it was time for a tuneup and a once over to get it ready for fall and winter. I even vacuumed it with the shop vac before taking it in. It's going to be ready today. So excited. xo

Monday, August 15, 2016

A Cat Named Pyewacket

This cat doesn't stop moving and it's very hard to get a good photo of him. He belongs to a friend and his name is Pyewacket. He's named after the cat in the movie Bell, Book and Candle. I love the garden bench. The heat wave is starting to break and it's supposed to be over on Wednesday. Thank goodness. It's been brutal. xo

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Old House -- Before and After

Remember this old cottage near me that was abandoned for years? This photo shows it after Hurricane Sandy took down a tree that took off the front porch.

This photo was featured on my blog recently. The 18th century cottage could not be saved and a new house started going up after the property was finally sold.

The outside is finished! I took this photo yesterday when driving by. Interior work is still being done. The garages are on the right. I don't think this front door will be used very often which is a shame. I understand a family with three children will soon be living there. They must be very excited. The property was on the market for years and years. Thankfully, someone had a vision and the patience to wait for their dream house. So nice! I'll post another photo when the landscaping is finished. 

Friday, August 12, 2016

Illustrations from About Robins book

I thought I'd share two more color plates from the book I featured earlier. They are so beautiful. Happy Friday. Have a great weekend. We have been having rain storms that are short and fierce. xo

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Perfect Dahlia Flower

Photographed at the home of a friend this morning.

I continue to be amazed each time I see one of these beautiful flowers. Now it's in a vase in my house so I can continue to enjoy it. xo

A Beautiful Book About Robins

Pictorial Board on a delightful early 20th century large format book about Robins.

The illustrations by Lady Lindsay are like fine art. This book is a real treasure.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Loveliest Fern Garden

This is a small detail of the nicest fern garden I've ever seen. I took this photo yesterday at a realtor open house. I love ferns because they are trouble free and they take care of themselves. They are so nice in a shady spot on the edge of the woods.