Monday, April 18, 2016

Miniature Basket of Vegetables

Look at the push pin beside the small silver basket for scale. The handmade ceramic vegetables are very realistic. This is one of my favorite finds recently snagged at an estate sale. Don't you love it?

I am off to mow the front yard before it gets too hot. It is supposed to reach 81° today. The sun is still in the back so I think I will be okay. 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

DIY Versailles Case (Planter Box)

I photographed the first four images from one of my gardening books on container gardening.
Have you ever lusted over a Versailles box? I certainly have. This is a poor man's DIY version that I like a lot.

These photos are full size versions. Click to enlarge so you can read the text easily.

Directions are very simple and easy to understand. Measuring and cutting the wood is the only hard part.

Make one yourself or hire someone to make several. The assembly is simple once you cut all the pieces. Might as well make a large grouping, right?

Want a real one? Get out your checkbook and buy one on this website. Have a great Sunday. xo

Friday, April 15, 2016

Wonderful Antiques

Not my photo, but it could be. It has all of my favorite things in it. My newly polished sterling silver trophies are lined up on my mantle. Photo found here.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Construction Projects Nearby

This lovely barn/garage/loft/shed is somewhat new construction built on an old stone foundation.

A recent house fire destroyed a beautiful 18th century home and it is being torn down. Owners who weren't home at the time will rebuild. A neighbor told me flames were shooting up from the basement. I'm wondering if it was started by a dryer fire? 

New construction replacing an 18th century house in horrible condition that could not be saved.

All three of these photos are on the same street with only a few homes in between. Photographed from my car yesterday on my way home from a haircut.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

My Metal Polishing Products and Secrets

This post is on the fly this morning. Running late for an office meeting.
Yesterday I polished this antique copper coal scuttle. Last time it was polished during my stewardship? Never! I left the inside unpolished. I use this for storing old magazines. It's really a fireplace item but I don't have room for it there.

I polished all of my brass candlesticks and trivets. First I spray down the item with Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day multi-surface. Then I dip my dampened cleaning rag or sponge into some Bar Keepers Friend cleanser which I have in a shallow bowl. The rest is magic. The spray loosens the tarnish and the cleanser dissolves it before your very eyes. Wipe and buff. For really old tarnish keep spraying and dipping and rubbing. No need to wipe it all off until you are finished with the entire item. 

For horizontal surfaces like switch plates you will have to soak your rag in the liquid (just the part wrapped around your finger) and wipe over the tarnish first. Then do the second step. I used a Q-tip when I was polishing an engraved brass plate on the top of a cellarette without ruining the wood.

Just experiment. You will be amazed. Handle the powder with care. It's powerful stuff and is probably quite dangerous. But it's been around since 1882 and hasn't been recalled yet. I don't plan on using it every day so I don't think it will kill me before I'm finished. 

I got this "Radish" Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day spray at TJMaxx because this "scent" has been discontinued. I'm sure almost any multi-surface spray will work; this is just what I had on hand. I polished all of my silver trophies using this method and nothing got scratched. You can probably make a paste using these two products as well to "dissolve" the powder if you are afraid of scratching. All of my things are antiques and have already been around the block so I wasn't worried.

Good luck. I think I have hunted down almost everything tarnished in my cottage except for my copper pots and my antique andirons. I will tackle them soon. I spread a small tarp on my kitchen table to do the coal scuttle. For the smaller items, I used a folded turkish towel on my kitchen counter near the sink and rinsed under running water before drying and buffing, Just play around and see what works for you. You can also "rinse" small items in a dishpan full of water and keep using it for that purpose. You can soak heavily tarnished brass candlesticks overnight in this solution for really easy cleaning the next day.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Polishing Frenzy at My Cottage

If you are silver
if you are brass, 
I will find you!

Once I get started on a big project, I can't stop. I have polished almost everything in my cottage that is in plain sight except for the andirons and they scare me. I want to wait until the weather is mild enough for me to do them outside. My fender looks fabulous and so do the fireplace tools. So happy. xo

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Prettiest Kitchen Garden Ever

I posted a couple of photos yesterday and found this beautiful fenced garden while enjoying the photos of others. Isn't this the best kitchen garden ever? It's the perfect size in the perfect setting.
Google Images

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Classic "Model T Ford Tin Lizzie"

I spotted this classic car outside the bank near my office recently. The proud owner takes it out quite frequently for an airing on nice days. 

This one is a beauty and has been lovingly restored. It's hard to believe 15 million Model T Fords were assembled and so few survived. Read the history here. Have a nice weekend. We have April showers in my area today. xo