Thursday, January 28, 2016

Built-In Wood Stove

Goodness gracious alive, I've never seen such an interesting and beautiful wood stove with built-in instant hot water, have you? That should send out some serious heat and must require quite a chimney and it already has a fabulous hearth. I guess you can cook on it too. Wow. via

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Snowy Country Road at Dusk

Is this beautiful or spooky? A little of both, I think. It really is a gorgeous photo and setting. Are those cross country ski tracks? You could get lost drinking up the beauty of this forest and not even care. 

My snow is melting fast and furiously, thank goodness. I think the balcony will melt completely without any shoveling at all and for that I'm very grateful. xo via

Wonderful French Courtyard

Too beautiful for words. 
I love the design in the pebbled courtyard floor and the stone house is amazing. Aren't the potted shrubs and plants attractively arranged? It's all absolute perfection! 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Cat in A Paper Bag

B o o.


Snow Swag Still Holding On

I am so annoyed about the screen. I tried to take it out this morning but it's frozen in place. Anyway you can tell that the swag is still there. The snow is too deep for me to walk back there and get a better shot because it goes over my boots. I am pretty sure it will melt today and fall off. I got plowed out yesterday and I will venture to the post office and will surely be late for my office meeting as I am still in my pajamas but I don't even care. Many of my associates haven't been plowed and are snowed in at the end of long driveways. I will go in later as I need to get a document from the file for a closing next week. See you later. xo 

Monday, January 25, 2016

Snow Swag on my Picket Fence

I woke up this morning to another snow swag. I have had them in the past and they never cease to amaze me. Unfortunately, I still have my screens in the windows so you can see the grids. This swag is holding on for dear life and I'm glad I captured it before it gets any warmer outside and it turns loose. Isn't nature fascinating? I love the impressions left from the picket tops. I hope it lasts until I can go outside and get a good photo without the screen. See you later. xo

This is an older one from a past snow storm. I see there was a screen in the window then too.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

It's very easy to get the straight walls with this shovel. They sort of happen automatically because of the width of the plow-shaped blade. I took this photo so I could measure the depth of the snow but I haven't calculated it yet. The bed is going to feel might good tonight. For some reason, Webster is exhausted. He galloped in the deep stuff this morning and hasn't recovered. He is so happy about our new path. See you tomorrow. Almost time for Downton. xo

Snow Shovel One Door Wide

I got a very wide snow shovel over the summer and put it to the test today. It is almost as wide as my front door and it was great. The snow didn't stick to it either. I hope the people who sold it aren't sorry they parted with it. I have shoveled for 3 hours so far and my car is clean all except for the top. I just came in for lunch and must go out again to take advantage of the bright sun. See you later. Maybe I will take down my Christmas wreath too. (Smile) 

The one I mentioned is the green one. My rubber broom with telescoping handle is up front and only a little bit of the head shows in this photo. I use it to clean off my car. Today, I had to start with the big green shovel on the car too. My old standby and favorite shovel for wet snow is the red one. I almost never use the black one with the ergonomic handle. It's too awkward but I might use it on the balcony. See you later.