Sunday, January 17, 2016

Winter Geranium in My Kitchen Window

A geranium in my kitchen that is being rooted in water and blooming! Geraniums are so easy.

Bed in A Sleeping Nook

I really love this bed that is partially recessed into a sleeping nook. I especially like the built-in bookshelf within easy reach. Wish I could see the rest of the room. Have a great Sunday. xo via

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Kitten Sheltering Baby Chick

That little chick looks nice and warm, doesn't he? The blue-eyed kitten is beautiful. via

Friday, January 15, 2016

1760 Cape Home in Falmouth Maine

Whitten Architects ~ Portland Maine

Original structure
More views here.

Feeling Sheepish

Sheep and fog, my two favorite things. This is such a great photo, showing the contrast between congestion and seclusion. Sheep know best! They just keep climbing until there's breathing room.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Shakespeare. 1st Folio Book Tour. USA

I knew about this tour but didn't know when it was happening. Drew University in Madison was selected as the sole New Jersey location and will host the exhibit for a month during the fall of 2016.

Where will this exhibit be shown to your state? Check the full list here. Once you find out the location, you will be able to search for WHEN yourself as I did for Drew. You're welcome!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Snow Walk Today with Webster

We got a dusting of snow today. Then it stopped.

This isn't going to be like last year, is it?