Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Adele Love

I love her so much. See more Adele gifs here.

My First Cold in Years and Years

I've been so proud of myself for longer than I can remember, keeping the cold germs from penetrating my good health. All that went out the window on Sunday night when I started going hoarse and felt a tightening in my chest. The sore throat part started on Tuesday. It's sort of a backward cold and I am treating it with the Neti pot, various gargles wuth salt, Bragg's Cider Vinegar, and anything else I can think of, all to no avail. This was the best image I could find on Google to illustrate my condition. I even broke down and bought Nyquil yesterday and it wasn't all that effective but I do feel rested this morning. I am hoping for a whole day without having to leave the house on this rainy day. Cross your fingers for me. Not complaining, just explaining. I know it's been at least 6 years since my last cold, maybe longer. Darn!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Fabulous Early American Dining Room

This must be a wonderful room to feed and entertain family and friends before the open fire. Don't you love the beautiful stonework inside the firebox? I wish I could see more. via

More Natural Building Materials for a Wonderful Rustic House

Beauthaway House, North GA. Appalachian Antique Hardwoods. Home design by MossCreek. Photo by Erwin Loveland. Wow, I'm very impressed with this one! via

Monday, November 30, 2015

A Very Lovely Bedroom

I can't wait to jump in my own brass bed. It's been a long busy day and I'm pooped. I adore this bedroom with the big bolster propped against the headboard or maybe it's tied from behind. What a great idea for a brass bed. I love the bed clothes too and the table with the pretty lamp with a black shade (my favorite). It's all lovely. Night, night. Zzzzz via

Puppy, Out Cold

I've never had a dog that slept on its back.
This tired puppy is out cold.
The sound sleep of the very young is like no other.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Memories and Dreams

Wishing you sweet dreams tonight. via

The Beauty of Natural Building Materials

This takes my breath away. The art of the stone mason and fine woodworker. One simple hydrangea set between the stepping stones and moss. This house will stand the test of time. It's practically impossible to find such craftsmen these days. Awesome! via