Saturday, August 29, 2015

Friday, August 28, 2015

An Amazing Kitchen / Family Room Renovation in Alexandria

I am just showing a few kitchen photos of a whole house renovation in Alexandria VA by Harry Braswell Inc. More photos here.

Here Comes The Weekend

I am so glad I don't live for the weekends any more as I did when I was young. Now I even like Mondays.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Sheep at Rest on A Stone Wall

A gorgeous photo of a sheep in repose. They know how to get comfy in the most unlikely places, for sure. I am beginning to think sheep enjoy finding odd places to enjoy the view and then wait for someone to walk by and so they can pose for a picture. I'm glad this scene didn't go unnoticed. via

Greek Yogurt Facial

This is my new beauty routine while I am having my morning coffee. The best thing about Greek yogurt is its thickness. You can keep piling it on your problem areas as a facial mask and it stays put and is not runny. For some reason, I have had bags under my eyes recently that I never had before. I have been eating power foods and making a real effort to get some extra sleep and those things are helping. I leave the yogurt on my face for as long as I can stand it and I am seeing fabulous results. I have tried raw honey too. And cold coffee because I've heard the caffein helps shrink your skin. Now I am off to the kitchen to make a smoothie using frozen organic blueberries, half a frozen banana, soy milk, Greek yogurt, and some cold chai tea. Yum. Today I am going to add a tablespoon of Avocado oil I got at Costco yesterday, and I might buzz in a little raw oatmeal too. Summertime and smoothies are perfect together. xo

It was delicious! Best one so far. I didn't add the oatmeal but used all of the other things I mentioned.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Webster on National Dog Day 2015

Did you know today was NATIONAL DOG DAY? Webster rescued me 13 years ago and neither of us ever looked back. I took his photo to celebrate our happy life together.

Who cares?

Maybe dogs aren't so bad after all.
The two pics above were found here.


Colorful Beach Huts in South Africa

Colourful beach huts at Muizenberg beach in South Africa. via Aren't these wonderful? So simple and in an unspoiled setting too, with nothing between these changing rooms and the ocean except sand. Great photo.

A Hole in The Walled Garden

This would like going down the rabbit hole on a vertical level. It's much more interesting than a conventional shape would have been in this secret garden, right? via