Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Is Watchman the Unedited Mockingbird?

See where 

‘Go Set a Watchman’ overlaps with 

‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ 


Maybe it's not a new book at all. I found this article to be fascinating. Read highlighted passages from both books that are repeated almost word for word. The more I read, the more I believe this is Mockingbird before the two and one half years of editing and rewriting. What do you think? Read here. 

William Morris Wallpaper Designs

Brother Rabbit - William Morris - 1882

Marigold, William Morris, 1875
photo credits: Metropolitan Museum of Art

Wheat Fields next to Lavender Fields

Proof that man does not live by bread alone.
This is a stunning photograph.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Jimmy Stanton's Home

More photos here.

Harper Lee Manuscript found in Safe Deposit Box

I don't know about you, but ever since I saw the documentary on PBS about the author of To Kill A Mockingbird, I have had so many questions. Some of them are slowly being answered. I was wondering who was the owner of the safe deposit box? Who was present when it was opened? Who overlooked the unknown manuscript? Is there yet a third unpublished book?

Read this article and the link within from the Wall Street Journal: Harper Lee may have written a third novel, lawyer suggests.
Read the article in the Wall Street Journal ~ (click on top article when link opens).

I'm still curious about another aspect of the unpublished Watchman book from 1957. I understand it is being printed exactly as written. They why did it take 2 whole years of edits before Harper Lee's Mockingbird was published? This doesn't make sense to me. This fact was in the Documentary Film on PBS. Just wondering!

Watch Here via PBS

Let's Teleport to England Today

This looks like a good starting place, doesn't it? St. James Church, Shere - Surrey via

Sunday, July 12, 2015

A Drive Down Memory Lane

Remember these car windows? I still miss the small vent window that you could open to keep your hair from blowing. I also miss the roll down mechanism. My front passenger window is electronic and it no longer works. To keep my hair from blowing when I have the front driver's window down, I have to roll down the back windows too. My air conditioning doesn't work either. I don't mind since I rarely turn on the central A/C in my house and I'm not really used to being cool all the time. The summer will be over soon so I'll wait until next spring to have more freon added. I mowed my back wildflower field just in the nick of time yesterday. It was very close to being too tall to mow. I had my mower deck all the up as high as it was go and it was hot and dry and it went well. Pretty soon my property will be in apple pie order once again. I got really behind because of that rainy weather pattern we were in, with 5 days of rain followed by 2 sunny days. Have a great Sunday. xo via

Saturday, July 11, 2015

A Royal Christening: Family Portrait

I was so happy to find this royal family portrait on a cool Saturday morning here at the cottage. This is the first one I've seen with Princess Charlotte out of her pram. They are such a beautiful family and so perfect together. photographed by Mario Testino