Sunday, August 11, 2013

Tabitha the Cat's Lazy Sunday Morning

She spent most of the morning on the sofa in many comfy positions without ever opening her eyes.

When the sun appeared from behind the cloud cover, she perked up and spent the rest of the day outside. Just looking at my photo makes me sleepy. Good night, sleep tight.
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Regency Library Detail

Gorgeous room, agreed? via
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Saturday, August 10, 2013

Lovely Quote by Coco Chanel

I've never heard this one before but I like it very much. via

"If you were born without wings do nothing to prevent them from growing." Coco Chanel
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Friday, August 9, 2013

Cat loves Pitlet

Sorry I haven't been around much. So busy with a real estate deal. Here's a gif to make you smile. via Have a great weekend. TGIF.
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Thursday, August 8, 2013

High Living in a Low Country Cottage, Charleston South Carolina

It's pretty wonderful, isn't it?  Complete house tour here
Artistic Design and Construction - Charleston SC
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Future Gnome Home under Large Mushroom

We had some hard rain yesterday and last night. It has stopped now and it's just hot and muggy. I snapped this large mushroom this morning on an after-breakfast walk out back with the wonder dog. I added the fake rain just for fun. 
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Baby Blue Door

This entrance is very sweet and lovely. I like the soft blue with the brick. via
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