I should have cleaned off the two coffee stains before taking the picture. I put my coffee cup on this tile every morning. It's a big one 6" square stamped Grueby Boston. We had a surprise downpour yesterday and I had clothes drying outside on a big expanding rack and just barely got them inside before they were soaked. I slept on freshly laundered linens last night and they smelled like lemons thanks to the new detergent I'm using. It's overcast again today so the same thing will probably happen. Then we are supposed to have 4 straight days of sun, sun, and more sun. I'll believe it when I see it. I'm off to do errands now.

This is the aforementioned detergent I picked up on a whim at the grocery store because it was on sale. It says the scent is Clean Burst but believe me when I say the clothes smell like lemons whether you dry them outside or in the dryer. I'll never buy anything else. I am thrilled I finally found something I like. Watch, it will be discontinued shortly. I must stock up, just in case.