Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Grueby Tile and A New Laundry Detergent

I should have cleaned off the two coffee stains before taking the picture. I put my coffee cup on this tile every morning. It's a big one 6" square stamped Grueby Boston. We had a surprise downpour yesterday and I had clothes drying outside on a big expanding rack and just barely got them inside before they were soaked. I slept on freshly laundered linens last night and they smelled like lemons thanks to the new detergent I'm using. It's overcast again today so the same thing will probably happen. Then we are supposed to have 4 straight days of sun, sun, and more sun. I'll believe it when I see it. I'm off to do errands now. 

This is the aforementioned detergent I picked up on a whim at the grocery store because it was on sale. It says the scent is Clean Burst but believe me when I say the clothes smell like lemons whether you dry them outside or in the dryer. I'll never buy anything else. I am thrilled I finally found something I like. Watch, it will be discontinued shortly. I must stock up, just in case. 
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Cast Iron Frog in My Garden

I took this photo early one morning last week. Ribbit. He's a big old one and I love him. I got up before the cat for some reason this morning and decided to start watching PBS Masterpiece recorded from Sunday night. I love Inspector Lewis Mysteries and this episode is the  beginning of Season VI. Here is a review from Forbes Magazine. See you later.
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Sunday, June 16, 2013

My Mother and Baby Me

I've been working downstairs all week for the first time since losing my mother in December. Up until now, I have only been going down there to do laundry. After I washed all the windows and screens and doors on the outside of the lower level, I decided it was time to go inside to start putting things in order. I still have a lot to do but the kitchen, living room and laundry room are looking pretty nice. I found this old photo in a drawer and took a quick picture of it through the glass with my phone. My mother looks so happy and proud of me and I'm trying to tell the photographer how to take the picture using mental telepathy since I didn't know how to talk. I'm sure she made her dress and probably mine too. One of my grandmothers probably did the needlework trim. My mother saved and saved to buy a sewing machine during those war years when everything was so hard to get. It was a Singer, of course. 

Male Seahorse in Labor

YIKES. This is a photo of a male seahorse giving birth. Does that make him the mother or the father or both? It is definitely one of the oddities of nature. Anyway, Happy Father's Day to all of the dads out there. via
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Gorgeous pink Cosmos

Photo by crescentmoon on Pixdaus. Now that my peonies are gone, this photo makes me wish I had a nice stand of cosmos. We all went back to bed and now we are all up again. I watched a movie, put it on pause halfway through, cooked breakfast and ate it while finishing the movie. It was The Clearing with Ann Mearin and Robert Redford. I tuned in after the first 20 minutes and didn't miss too much. It was very good. Then I dozed off again and now I feel great and ready for a nice afternoon. Tabitha wants lunch and Webster wants a walk so I must tend to them both. See you later.
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