Thursday, May 16, 2013

Blink, Blink. Owl waking up.

Watch a video by Tara Tanaka of this western screech owl trying to wake up here. It's very cute. Gif found here.

NYC Micro-Loft with Clever Storage and Floor Plan

Click Image to Enlarge
Located at the top of a brownstone on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, the footprint was a tiny 425 square feet, but the space stretched vertically for approximately 25 feet, and had access to a roof terrace. As it existed, the arrangement was so awkward that there wasn’t even a reasonable place to locate a bed or a couch. Read more about this Specht Harpman renovation here. Click on the small photos in the article to enlarge. I'm totally impressed!!!

Waiting for The Mailman

When are those baby chicks we ordered going to arrive? We want them now! via