Courtesy of the Free Library of Philadelphia
Love Letter (Liebesbrief)
Decorator: Anonymous
Scrivener: Anonymous
Creation Place:
State/Province: [Pennsylvania]
Note: Based on design characteristics
Creation Date: ca. 1800
Hand-drawn; hand-colored; hand-lettered. This document is a square sheet of paper that is folded into a star. The text and drawings are on both sides of the sheet. The areas that are visible on the folded paper are decorated with text, hearts, flowers and a small cross. One of the hearts is pierced by an arrow. The measurements refer to the unfolded paper.
Transcription:1 \ My Dearest Dear and blest divine \
I’ve pictured here your heart and mine.
2 \ But Cupid with her Cruel dart \
Has deeply pierced my tender heart
3 \ And has between us set Across \
Which makes me to lament my loss
4 \ But I’m in hopes when that is gone \
That both our hearts will be in one