Friday, October 28, 2011

Pinch Me, I'm In Love

I absolutely love everything I see in this room by m. elle design, especially the door with the hinged window. It's brilliant!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Lisa Hannigan | I Don't Know

This is wonderful. Make sure you watch it all to see what becomes of all of those scissor cuttings at the end. Found over at Crush Party.

Jethro Coffin House | Nantucket Massachusetts

The 1686 Jethro Coffin House on Nantucket defines the features of the New England saltbox with its small, medieval windows and long sloping rear roof. The house also features an inverted horse-shoe chimney decoration which, some say, was intended to keep witches from flying down the flue. I guess this historic home is all set for Halloween.

I photographed this page from the same book as my previous post and once again I praise the lack of foundation plantings. 

The Hoxie House in Sandwich Massachusetts

The circa 1675 Hoxie House in Sandwich is believed to be the oldest surviving house on Cape Cod. It is in many ways representative of the early New England colonial style with its simple, sturdy construction and steeply pitched roof.

I photographed this page from one of my favorite books:
American Colonial Homes
A Pictorial History
by John Burdick

I love the simplicity of this house and the lack of foundation plantings in keeping with the original landscape style of the day.

Silence is A True Friend

Please tell me when you are sick of my iPhone photos and I'll stop.

Today is a perfect day to curl up with a book. It's foggy and rainy and will be that way all day long. We had some late afternoon sun when I walked the wonder dog around 4pm yesterday. He just came in from a bathroom break outside and decided to go back to bed. I'm thinking that's a pretty good idea myself -- maybe it's a pajama day. I'll let you know later.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Webster Would Love A Job Like This

Good job. I often see people training these border collies in a big open field nearby. They bring real sheep too. People with ponds and lakes use this breed to chase away the geese. via

Geraniums in Bloom

I brought all of my geraniums in on time this year before the frost got them. Last year I almost lost everything due to laziness in bringing them indoors to winter over. I've heard having house plants improves the air quality of a home and I know they improve the quality of one's spirit.

Royal Dogs in France

Royal or not we have always valued our dogs, haven't we?