Sunday, October 16, 2011

Mid-Afternoon iPhone Fotos in The Neighborhood

This house is diagonally across the street from me. It sits way back and I had to use the slider on the iPhone 4S camera to get closer. I also pumped up the saturation of the colors a bit when processing in Picnik.

A long stone wall with trees lines the lengthy frontage of the house above.

I drove instead of walking to a friend's house. Don't you love this swing hanging from the big old tree?

A short walk to the left of the tree swing reveals a beautiful lake with a wonderful view of a boat house on the other side.

Using the camera's slider to get closer shows very clearly that the boat house is made of stone. The red canoe is perfect here, isn't it. I increased the saturation in all of the photos in this post.

Now Webster and I are going to work outside and spread some woodchips from our big pile that was dropped off by a tree service free of charge. I have to do something meaningful around here other than playing any longer with my new toy. 

Sunday iPhone Fotos

Webster smelling iPhone to see if it's edible.

Tangerines and onions on my kitchen table.

Tabitha in the morning sun.

A brass letter clip.

A bit of fall color.
Have a great Sunday. I hope I am not boring you with my new smartphone photos. I am having such fun carrying it with me wherever I go and snapping away. I actually got it because of the camera and I couldn't be more pleased. Enjoy this beautiful day.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Saturday Afternoon at The Cottage

Beautiful blue skies, white fluffy clouds, and a light sweater were par for the course today.

Some of the trees are completely bare, some are turning, and others have leaves that are hanging on tight and are bright green. Webster and I enjoyed our 5:00 stroll. He starts hanging around his food dish around 4:00.

Overnight Visitor - Puppy Sleepover

With almost no advance notice look who came to visit last night. He is being picked up soon by another lady who can't wait to get her hands on him. Webster was so good with this youngster and they played and walked together perfectly. I took this iPhone photo after breakfast this morning just before his nap. We get the cutest canine visitors here at the cottage, don't we? This one also likes the tiger stuffed toy usually reserved for Piggy.

Make a New Friend This Weekend

I absolutely adore peeking into the lives of animals when they don't know anyone is looking. via

Friday, October 14, 2011

Have you had a first frost yet?

We have lots of colorful leaves but no frost yet.

iPhone Photos -- First Day

Nothing to brag about...just playing around w/ the awesome camera on my new toy, the iPhone 4S.

Shout It From The Rooftops

I got my first iPhone today -- The iPhone 4S

I took this picture with it from my attic studio through the window and screen just before the rain.