Saturday, September 17, 2011

Furry Friends

Enjoy the weekend and embrace the differences of friends and family.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Sweet Bathroom

I really like this sweet bath, don't you?
The free-standing cabinets are especially nice.
I like the sink cabinetry too. And the window mirror.
Very nice indeed. Agreed? via

Busy as A Bee

I am still as busy as a bee around the house and in the garage. I know you are tired of hearing about it but I must keep at it while the spirit moves me. I'm quite sure I am not alone. It's time to put summer away and prepare for fall and winter just like the animals do. 

I scanned this image from The Royal Book of Crests, one of my favorite antiquarian books in my own collection.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Home Library with Fireplace

Yes please. I'd like a fire today while I sit and read. A cold front came in and it's very chilly and windy. via

Wonderful Potting Bench

This would certainly come in handy for all of your potting endeavors. The big industrial wheels make this bench very useful since you can roll it around where needed. I like the galvanized top too. I put all of my watering cans away yesterday since my garage now has some extra room.

Much of the junk I put out at the road yesterday afternoon has already disappeared. Hooray. via

Botanical Wall in Spanish Summer House

I've always loved framed botanical studies and this collection in a Spanish summer house is especially attractive. Click here to see the rest of the house and be prepared to fall in love.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hanging Out the Clothes

It's always a wonderful day when you can hang out the clothes. I did a white load today and they dried very nicely in the sun. I worked some more on cleaning out the garage too. I put another pile out at the curb for trash day a week from Monday. Webster supervised and was so happy being outside all afternoon. It was after 8pm before we all had dinner. A very productive day indeed.

This illustration is a scan I made from one of my antiquarian books:
R. Caldecott's Picture Book (No. 2) ~ The Queen of Hearts

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