Friday, September 2, 2011

Our Favorite Royals

Isn't this the best photo of our favorite royal couple? Is that a glint of steely resolve in her eye? Love the gold and red and blue of his uniform in the corner too. via Pinterest

French Bulldog Puppy on French Toile

This could possibly be the cutest dog on the planet.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Cat Lookout

I usually post dog pictures but this fat cat really caught my eye. Cats can find the most precarious places to relax, can't they? Can this slingshot branch possibly be comfortable or is he out on a limb?

Little Library Ladder for Books Stored Everywhere

This would be a very handy library for many uses around the house, wouldn't it? I love this passageway library with a brick floor too. I could spend many happy hours before the fire reading on that sofa.

Don't Forget to Close the Gate

This image made me smile. Don't you love the natural archway formed by the trees? Would you go through the gate or around it? The beaten path suggests the former.

Where Did August Go, Quack Quack?

Can you believe it's September already? I am always sad to see August go because once we celebrate Labor Day the rest of the year seems to fly by faster than I can keep up. 

Have a ducky day.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Charming Country Kitchen

Sweet, isn't it?
via Small Place Style

Library Cupboard with Ladder | Wonderful

I absolutely love this custom library cupboard with a rail and library ladder. Aren't the drawers, secretarial slices and closed cupboards below nice too? Sigh. Every home needs one.