Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Guarding The Cottage

Piggy is enjoying his role as watch dog while he's a house guest. Webster has turned this window over to him because it has the best view of the road. He has the most hilarious bark which would scare away any burglar...not! Don't you love his silhouette?

Tranquility and Occupation

"It is neither wealth nor splendor; but tranquility and occupation which give you happiness."
~Thomas Jefferson

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

An Amazing Carriage House

Now this is one wonderful carriage house. I really want to go inside, don't you? The black doors and shutters are perfect.

Perfect Cool Weather Reading Room

I wouldn't change a thing, would you? Well I might just have to hang something over the mantel. We are having a cool day. It's only 70 degrees this afternoon and it feels wonderful. 

A Wonderful Porch

I could do some serious rocking on this front porch, couldn't you?

Monday, August 15, 2011

Fresh Bedroom

This bedroom is a breath of fresh air, isn't it? What a wonderful place to while away the hours alternating between sleep, daydreaming, and reading.

The Real Reason for Eating Ice Cream

I try my best to eat ice cream daily. Do you? What a great advertisement painted on the side of an old barn.

Lovely Architecture

I'm sure the rest of this home is way too big so I'll just take this part.