Friday, October 15, 2010

Designer Pumpkin | Louis Vuitton

Make this delightful Louis Vuitton pumpkin by drawing the logos all over with a brown oil-based Sharpie pen. Instructions here. Happy Crafty Friday.
Photo by Colin Cooke.

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Swan House at The Atlanta History Center

This is the Swan House at the Atlanta History Center, a beautiful old showplace that is open to the public. I've never been there even though I was born in Georgia. We moved away before I was a year old. The Swan House is a classically styled mansion built in 1928 for the Edward H. Inman family, heirs to a cotton brokerage fortune. The mansion was designed by famed Atlanta architect Philip Trammell Shutze and provides a glimpse into the lifestyle of an Atlanta family of great privilege during the 1920s and 1930s. photo: ©JLMphoto via Flickr

Rare Audrey Hepburn Stamps | Auction in Germany

It seems hard to believe, but a block of 10 stamps printed in the last decade, is almost certainly the priciest Post-War stamp item anywhere.

The entire 2002 print run was ordered to be destroyed after Hepburn's son, Sean Ferrer, objected to the cigarette holder dangling from the actress' mouth and refused to grant copyright. But the Finance Ministry had already delivered advance copies of the Hepburn stamps to Deutsche Post for approval. Thirty of these proof copies escaped destruction when an unknown employee pocketed them and used them to send letters postmarked from Berlin. [read more]. The auction of this unused sheet could bring in excess of $1 Million Dollars.

The proceeds (100%) will benefit UNICEF and the Audrey Hepburn children's foundation. This October 16th auction will be worth watching for sure.

UPDATE: Auction Sale Price -- this rare sheet of stamps fetched 430,000 euros (£377,324) [$601,000 USD] at a charity auction in Berlin, two-thirds of which will go to help educate children in sub-Saharan Africa.

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Bronze Hand Door Knocker | Perfect for Halloween

I found this very realistic bronze hand door knocker via Google Images with no clue for the source. This would be great on any door for Halloween but I find it a little too creepy for other times of the year, don't you?

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Life's Little Instruction Book | Volume II | Page 25

The pages from this book are very popular with my readers.

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Be Happy With Who You Are

Cats can teach us so many wonderful things, can't they?

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The Queen of Hearts Pug

Just in case you ever wondered what a $300 Halloween costume for a dog looks like, here it is! via Halloween Hounds

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Vintage Leather Luggage

This is my kind of luggage but there's no chance it will ever come back for real use because of the extreme weight. I bought a leather suitcase rather like this one at an outdoor market in England and lugged it all over from pillar to post until I could check it in as part of my luggage at the airport. My arms were completely pulled out of their sockets by the time I got to my seat. I still love it as an interior design element. photo via Encore! Life

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