Monday, March 7, 2011

William Arthur Ward Illustrated Quote for Monday

Pretty soon we will be seeing oak seedlings everywhere. The acorns have been buried all winter and are about to spring forth very soon. Gardeners who plant their gardens from seeds can relate to this quote by William Arthur Ward (1921-1994). I scanned the acorn from The Royal Book of Crests, one of the antiquarian books in my collection. 

Content in a Cottage

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Dreaming of England . . . Again

Awaiting teleportation to: The Dovecote in the Pigeon House Garden at Rousham Park House near Bicester Oxfordshire photographed by ©Paul Felix

Content in a Cottage

Audrey Hepburn Illustrated Quote for A Sunday

Isn't it wonderful that Audrey Hepburn was brought up to put others first? What great parents she must have had. We still miss her loveliness, don't we?

Content in a Cottage

Piggie Licks the Oatmeal Pan

Here is our house guest with his head in the oatmeal pan. Webster usually gets to lick it but he has generously allowed Piggie the opportunity because he doesn't think 'The Pig' gets to do this at home and we have a total lack of pieces of food dropped on the floor for him to forage. He has 4 juvenile owners who drop and spill things all the time. This will have to be Piggie's snack replacement here at the cottage. We have a very rainy Sunday today. Enjoy your day whatever the weather.
Content in a Cottage

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Rossetti Oil painting: 'The Day Dream' in The Victoria and Albert Museum

The Day Dream painted in 1880 by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood painter, artist and poet. The sitter for this painting was Jane Morris, the wife of William Morris, who often posed for Rossetti. At the time this was painted Rossetti was involved in an illicit love affair with Jane. He shows her sitting in the branches of a sycamore tree and holding a sprig of honeysuckle. This sweet-smelling climbing plant symbolized the bonds of love for the Victorians, and Rossetti may have included it here as a subtle reference to the relationship between artist and model. Rossetti was also a poet, and the title relates to his poem of the same name which ends:
She dreams; till now on her forgotten book  
Drops the forgotten blossom from her hand.
 This painting is in the collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum. 

Content in a Cottage

Sweetest Little Blue Flowers Ever

I've never been able to get such a good photo of the blue forget-me-nots that grow wild around my cottage. Can't wait to see them again. via

Content in a Cottage

Have a Lovely Weekend -- Or Not

This photo would be my first choice of how I'd absolutely love to spend my weekend. I woke up early to let Webster and our guest dog Piggie out and found it was drizzling rain so unfortunately I'll be in the next photo all day.

This seems to be ideal weekend to work on my taxes. So when you think of me today rest assured I will be in my third floor studio working with files and stacks of papers. This dreaded task has been weighing heavy on my mind so I might as well bite the bullet and just do the inevitable so I can get them to my accountant next week. See you later.

Content in a Cottage

Friday, March 4, 2011

Yet Another Secret Garden

Isn't this a delightful peek into another secret garden? Wish I knew more about this place but I don't. Piggie is sleeping at my feet and I'm getting ready to wrap up my day. I don't see him but I'm quite sure Webster is already in my bed. Goodnight. See you tomorrow.

Content in a Cottage

Dogs at Rest | This Sofa is Taken

Mae Belle, Maggie, and Banjo ~ Labradors from Raleigh, NC
I love this winning photo from Garden and Gun Magazine's Dogs at Rest contest. I dare not show it to Webster who is not allowed on my similar sofa. I'm picking up Piggie this afternoon for a 2-week visit while my friends go on a spring-break vacation. Remember him, he's our French Bulldog friend. I wonder how he will react to my new rule?

Something tells me I will be outnumbered when Webster and Piggie get back to their old routine here at the cottage.

Content in a Cottage

1947 Saab | Back To The Future Car

This is the first Saab ever. It's the Saab 92001 or the UrSaab. Doesn't it look futuristic and so ahead of its time? It just screams Road Trip, doesn't it? I hope you have a great weekend. Rain is predicted for Sunday in my neck of the woods. 

Content in a Cottage

Life's Little Instruction Book | Volume II, Page 36

More good advice from our favorite little book. I often wonder how the author's son turned out after his father gave him all of this good advice. Does anyone know?

Content in a Cottage

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Beautiful Twin Beds

I think I'll sleep in one of these twin beds tonight. I can't remember the last time I slept in a single bed but these look very inviting as does the room. Are they metal? I love the spreads and linens. Goodnight. See you in the morning. -via

Content in a Cottage

An Insect Alien

You will never convince me that this praying mantis is not an alien, and an exhibitionist as well. Agreed? The Animal Blog

Content in a Cottage

Plaid Infinity Scarf | Tutorial | DIY | Handmade

I love this beautiful wool infinity scarf or cowl. It's very easy to make too; I've already made one this morning (in my mind).  I have some red silk and might make one to wear with my black velvet blazer for an upcoming affair. These would be great made from a light flowery fabric for dressing up spring outfits, especially on a chilly morning. One in a madras plaid would be fabulous too. I like the way this one looks on the headless mannequin. Happy sewing!

Tutorial from H is for Handmade.

Content in a Cottage

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Time To Hit The Hay

Time to hit the hay and watch some prime time television. I discovered 'Doc Martin' on PBS recently and it's one of my favorite programs. Thankfully, my station is airing Season One even though Series Four has already been completed. I'm recording it right now on WLIW-21. It is one of those quirky English programs set in Cornwall. Doc Martin (he prefers to be called Dr. Ellingham) is a socially awkward village doctor who had to quit surgery in London because he suddenly became sick at the sight of blood. He relocated to Portwenn, a small Cornish town full of characters. It's filmed on location in the real town of Port Isaac. I'm off to watch it now. See you tomorrow.
I found the full episode of Doc Martin, Season 1, Episode 1 on YouTube here.

Content in a Cottage

More Snowdrops At The Cottage

I was delighted to see the snowdrops coming up at the base of my faux bois birdbath. I think it will be a while before I have blooming flowers but they are well on their way. Yea. The snow has melted from almost everywhere except where it was piled up by the snow plow and hand shoveling. The snow you see in my photo is from the front walk. That area was quite deep and it's interesting to see how different areas have melted and others have not. Must be a geothermal thing.

Content in a Cottage

Putty Colored Home Office

All of the woodwork in my cottage is painted this color except for my kitchen. It's Bennington Gray by Benjamin Moore . . . at least mine is called that. My walls are Lancaster Whitewash. I guess that's one of the reasons I like this home office so much.

Content in a Cottage

Tiny Civil War Cottage in Virginia Circa 1865

The Colonel's Cottage in Petersburg, Virginia 1865
“Cottage of Col. Nathaniel Michler, U.S. Engineers, at Bryant house.”
There is a huge tiny house movement going on but it's not new. This small Civil War era log cottage belonged to Col. Nathaniel Michler (1827-1881). The photo printed from a glass negative is from Shorpy.

Content in a Cottage

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fabulous Dog Portrait

Wonderful portrait of a dog by ©Karen Morgan Photography

Content in a Cottage

Share Your Food With A Pet

Isn't this the cutest thing you've seen in a long time? That's one lucky little black kitten and the child is precious. Webster knows how to use silverware too and he gets many opportunities for tastings around the cottage.

Content in a Cottage

So Many Things To Love

I like this recessed bookcase with the picture frame moulding full of antiquarian books. The picture light and painting are the icing on the cake. This photo shows what you can do if you have vision during construction and frame out a built-in bookcase between the studs. Or you can just start ripping out a wall right now.

Content in a Cottage

I need To Get More Exercise

This little frog has the right idea. He's pumping iron to get ready for all the bugs he has to catch when the weather gets nicer. Today is March 1st and it seems like a good time to start exercising for spring. I need to do something other than walk and it's too early to start raking and all that stuff you have to do for the much needed cleanup outside. I think I know where I put my ab-roller or whatever you call that wheel with 2 handles. Whenever I use it on a regular basis, it does seem to work.

I put my steel cut oats in to soak overnight and they are delicious. I have an office meeting this morning so I'll see you later.

This man on the street in Milan seems to have a very different approach for burning calories.

Content in a Cottage

Monday, February 28, 2011

The Windsors in the 1940s

Queen Elizabeth II; King George VI; Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother; Princess Margaret. Photo is probably from the early 1940s don't you think? King George VI died in 1952 and Elizabeth immediately became Queen at age 25. I can't get enough of them and I know you can't either!!!!