Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Elbert Hubbard: Thoughts on Being Appreciative

I've always liked this quote from The Note Book of Elbert Hubbard.
Image scanned from my personal copy.

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Hamilton House in South Berwick, Maine

The Hamilton House in South Berwick, Maine where visitors can enjoy concerts and storytelling in the garden. The views of the Salmon Falls River are splendid. This handsome Georgian house was built by Col. Jonathan Hamilton shortly after he purchased 30 acres here in 1783.

Photo scanned from one of my favorite books on American Architecture ~ Windows on the Past, Four Centuries of New England Homes.

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Monday, November 1, 2010

Holyoke French House Circa 1760

I love early American houses -- especially this one.
"The Holyoke French House in Boxford, Massachusetts, circa 1760"
Found here.

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Time To Force Some Bulbs Indoors

I haven't even brought my geraniums indoors yet and already I'm starting to think about buying bulbs to force for the holidays. Aren't these tulips beautiful? I love flowers and antiques together. I like the blooming Dutch bulbs photographed with the Delft charger in the background, don't you? Directions for forcing tulip bulbs indoors here.

Image scanned from one of my gardening books.

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Life's Little Instruction Book | Volume II | Page 27

More good advice from H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

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It's Chilly This Morning

The weather person was right. When I got up this morning a little after 7:00 the thermometer mounted on the side of my house read 34 degrees. I didn't see any frost on the ground though and my geraniums are still fine. I really must bring them indoors this week.

Yesterday I drained all of my garden hoses, put them away and turned off the water to the outside faucets to prevent freezing. My gutters still have to be cleaned as soon as all the leaves fall off a couple of trees near the house. I'm almost ready to start nesting for the winter . . . but not quite. I have to have my car winterized too. Then bring it on.

Have a great week. I can't believe it's November already!

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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Goodnight, Halloween is Over

It's pitch dark outside and I am declaring Halloween is over. See you in the morning. Hope you didn't eat too much candy. 

View From My Studio Window

Another perfect day. I can't remember a lovelier fall. It is Halloween and I probably won't get a single Trick or Treater. I never do. I have cookies just in case.

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Bela Lugosi was Buried in his Dracula Costume

Lugosi was buried wearing one of the Dracula stage play costumes, per the request of his son and 4th wife in the Holy Cross Cemetery -- Cluver City, California. His only child was born when Lugosi was 58 or 59 years old.

I think it's great that his final remembrance was Beloved Father with no mention of his career on the grave marker.

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Halloween 2010

First image unknown. Second image from Martha Stewart, the Halloween Queen. I hope your Trick or Treat bag gets filled with goodies when you go out later.

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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Antique Vampire Killing Kit

A complete and authentic vampire killing kit — made around 1800 complete with stakes, mirrors, a gun with silver bullets, crosses, a Bible, holy water, candles and even garlic, all housed in a American walnut case with a carved cross on top — attained $14,850 in an estate sale by Stevens Auctioneers on October 3–4, 2008 in the Natchez Convention Center.

Dwight Stevens, auctioneer said, "I don't believe in vampires -- I've never met one. But somebody believed in them, something drove people to believe. From New Orleans to Vicksburg, these old boxes remain." Stevens has sold four vampire killing kits in his 27 years as an auctioneer with this one being the most expensive to date. Hmmm. I wonder if this kit would work on werewolves too? I can't remember a time when vampires were more popular, can you?

Thanks for stopping by the cottage for a little antiquarian fright this evening. Happy Halloween.

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French Baguette Truck

What a great job this must be. Can you imagine how heavenly this cute little truck must smell inside? I wonder if the driver has a stick of butter handy or if he just eats this freshly baked bread plain? YUM. Have a delicious weekend.

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Vintage Halloween Card circa 1920

Boo! I've always been drawn to vintage illustrations for children showing interior design of the day. How do you like the art deco window treatment in this Halloween card from the first quarter of the 20th century? Have a happy and safe celebration this year.

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Brave Kitty

I never tire of seeing cats perched dangerously in windows showing absolutely no fear. Love the flowers too.

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Delightful Brick Alley

I don't know where this brick alley is but I like it. I really want to peek inside those three arched windows, don't you?

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Friday, October 29, 2010

Peacock On Stone Garden Urn

I love this photograph of a peacock roosting on a fabulous antique stone garden urn on a weathered pedestal. Have a great weekend.
unknown source

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