Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Realtor Open House with Chickens

I went to a great realtor open house today and they had a chicken coop. I took a short video that I put on Instagram. You can watch it here. The humans' house was fabulous too. xo
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Monday, May 12, 2014

Best Laundry Room (Closet)

Isn't this great? I love the old office door on the barn door track so much in this setting. There are so many clever people out there, aren't there? via
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My Wisteria

My wisteria is blooming and it smells heavenly.
I trimmed it back rather severely in the fall as I always do and that never seems to bother the next year's flowers. The daffodils are finally finished and I miss them.
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Sunday, May 11, 2014

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Great Vegetable Protein Chart

Good to know. I think I'll start adding green peas to my homemade hummus to increase the protein content. via Enjoy your Saturday night and the rest of the weekend. xo
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Scallion Pancakes from Trader Joe's

These are really and truly the best things I have ever tasted. There are 4 in a package for $3.99(?). The scallion pancakes are flash frozen so they don't stick together. I cook them one at a time in a small iron skillet with a very small amount of Avocado Oil in the bottom of the pan. I buy the organic oil at Costco because it is safe at high heat temperatures up to 500°. I don't make a dipping sauce, but I spread a little Bragg's Liquid Aminos on top. It is a natural soy sauce alternative with no wheat. I use it as an all purpose seasoning on almost everything and it really pumps up the flavor. It has 16 amino acids too. I wish I had the spray bottle, beause that would be perfect. Okay now, getting back to the pancakes. I keep flipping them until they are nice and crispy and when they are ready I fold two of those select-a-size paper towels in half and sandwich my pancake inside and put something heavy on top to squeeze out the excess oil.
I recently went to an Asian Fusion Restaurant in town with a friend and we ordered a variety of delicious items to share. When she invited me, she mentioned scallion pancakes and I was anxious to try them. WELL, was I ever disappointed. At $5.00 each, they didn't even come close to Trader Joe's. They aren't paying me to advertise them either. 

I found a recipe for making them at home on Pinterest that I want to try very soon. I will use the vegetables listed on the Trader Joe's wrapper instead of the ones listed in this recipe.
Have a great weekend. I hope I didn't bore you this morning. xo
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Friday, May 9, 2014

Apple Slices

Don't you love the perfect stars inside an apple? I don't often slice them this way but today I did.

My pan was still hot after I cooked a scallion pancake from Trader Joe's, so I threw in some apple slices for a quick, hot, top-of-the-stove "baked" apple. It was sooooo good! Have a good evening and a great weekend. xo
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New Discovery at My Cottage

I am so happy to get reacquainted with this large wooden charger.
It's perfect in the center of my large farm table in my kitchen. It has been on top of the downstairs refrigerator since 2004 when I moved in. I cleaned out that fridge a couple of weeks ago and washed it down inside and out. Now the charger has a place of honor again instead of being stashed in an unseen place. I've been doing all sorts of rearranging lately and it's nice to see my things with new eyes. I had one of these ripe bananas in a smoothie this morning with soy milk, chia seeds, a blob of peanut butter, and a few ice cubes. It was delicious. my iphone photo
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Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Woods are Green Again

The amazing skunk cabbage is getting huge and is on its way to covering the entire floor of the wetlands in my woods. I love it. It's almost time for me to jump in bed to watch TV. Have a great evening. xo
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Mad about Plaid

I love this and the history behind it.
The Duke of Windsor’s Hermes Plaid Satchel.
A Christmas gift from Wallis Simpson, Duchess of Windsor, to her husband in 1941.
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Nosegay of Violets from my Lawn

Every year I have these beautiful wild violets, growing profusely in my front lawn, as an excuse for putting off the first mowing. All of my neighbors have cut theirs had theirs cut twice already. Mine is hidden from view by a brick wall and I'm going to wait as long as I can before I crank up my push mower. Aren't they gorgeous? Today it's dark and rainy and I'm doing indoor chores. Have a great day. xo
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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Tabitha Loves to Eat Outside

Now that the weather is getting nicer, she likes for me to put her bowl outside so she can snack whenever she feels like it.
Enjoy your evening. There's nothing on TV tonight so I will watch some recorded programs. xo
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Blairsden: Peapack-Gladstone NJ Mansion in May 2014

It was a beautiful day yesterday, perfect for touring this grand mansion to benefit two important medical causes for children at Morristown Medical Center. Online tour and more here. my photo
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Sunday, May 4, 2014

Happy Birthday Audrey Hepburn

Today she would have been 85. I enjoyed reading this article about her early life. I honestly didn't know anything about her childhood or her parents. I made this illustrated quote several years ago around a stamp that honored her.
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Fun Free App to Download this Weekend

This fun app is FREE this weekend. It's fast, easy and fun. Watch the video below and download it from the App Store HERE. For iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. Hey, a dollar saved is a dollar earned, right?

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Fields of Gold in England

Canola fields in full flower. What a beautiful sight to behold. via
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Saturday, May 3, 2014

Nicest Little Cottage

I've never seen roof shingles wrap over the gable end, have you? I love this sweet little hideaway. via
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Deep Dish Balsamic Cherry Pie with Black Pepper Crust

Now that's what I call a cherry pie.

Go to Adventures in Cooking for the recipe. There is a link for the printable version too. Many more droolingly delicious photos on the website. I can't wait for cherries to be in season. Have a great weekend.
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