Monday, November 18, 2013

Perfect Morning

I love it when it rains during the night and is gone by morning.

We need lots more rain, but not today. I have too much to do. See you later.
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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Hang Tight, Pup. We can do this.

So adorable. He is hanging on for dear life and looks very trusting, doesn't he? It's wonderful to think about them growing up together. Good night. See you in the morning. xo.
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My Kitchen Ceiling

My kitchen, looking up.
It's impossible to photograph my kitchen and show the ceiling so here it is. The high hat is over my kitchen sink and the AC vent is on the attic wall over the living room opening. The light fixture is over my farm table. When I woke up this morning it was raining lightly but now it's bright and sunny and warm. So nice!!! Enjoy your weekend.
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Friday, November 15, 2013

Best Seat in The House

This looks super cozy, doesn't it?
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Cottage Views

View from command central (living room sofa).

Looking up on a rencent walk out back with Webster.

Looking down after a short shower.
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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

White on White with a Touch of Grey

This entrance is fabulous! It opens to the courtyard shown below. You don't often see white shutters, do you?

Considered for demolition, this c.1950 house in Bryn Mawr PA on a 4-acre sloped and overgrown property was recovered with major renovations and additions. Besides tight spaces there was no true entry. Archer and Buchanan Architects took care of that problem and more. See more pics here. Very nice indeed.
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Salt or Unsalted?

Yesterday's snow looked exactly like rock salt.

This is actually an old concrete herb marker for "rosemary" -- if you look closely you can read the first four letters. The last four are very faint and have nearly worn away. In this photo, doesn't it look as if she's sprinkling salt on the ground?

How do you like your leaves, plain or salted?
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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Prince Charles Quietly Takes Charge

HRH Prince Charles in Birkhall, the private residence of The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall in Scotland. photographs by Nadav Kander for TIME

Read short article here. I must look for this magazine at the library. I love Prince Charles.
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Birdbath in the First Snow

The snow looked like rock salt but it is gone now.
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An Apple A Day

This looks like a good one, doesn't it? It's ripening on the tree in England. via 

We had a dusting of snow this morning and it's a very gray day. 

Guess who doesn't care?
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Monday, November 11, 2013

Delightful Cottage on the Water

Lovely setting, beautifully landscaped. Don't you wish we could go inside?
Steven Gambrel, designer.
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Today is Veterans' Day

Click here if you can't see the video below.

Roger Waters and the Wounded Warrior Band featuring LCpl Tim Donley. Roger Waters lost both his father and grandfather to war. This heroic performance is so very moving. Really, there are no words. Wounded, but not broken. Watch another video about the history behind this band here.
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Sleeping with a Spotted Cow

Webster was so happy last night when I brought his spotted cow down from the third floor. It makes a perfect pillow for the wonder dog who is an expert at getting comfortable.
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Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Trees are Bare

It's very windy outside tonight (actually it's howling down the chimney) and the few remaining leaves will probably be gone tomorrow. Hope you had a nice weekend. I certainly did. This photo is from the inside of my newly painted fence looking out. xo, Rosemary
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