Saturday, February 20, 2010

Egg Cups

I've had these M.A.Hadley egg cups forever. Today I used one for a soft boiled egg with toast. So good. Here's hoping you have an egg-stra good weekend.

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Friday, February 19, 2010

Librarian Glasses Love

I love everything in this picture. The librarian glasses, the book in hand, the fair isle sweater vest, and the books in the background. A perfect composition. Have a great weekend, Rosemary.

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Nesting Newbies Magazine | Volume Two, Winter 2010

Volume two of a new digital shelter magazine Nesting Newbies is now viewable online. This should keep you entertained this weekend. It's very nice ~ I like it.

They are having a sweepstakes too. Enter by or before March 15th to win a Blue-Bird-Bag full of goodies with a retail value of $1,514. Details here. Cool. Good luck if you enter.

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Thomas Jefferson's Library Is Being Recreated

The Library of Congress is attempting to reassemble Thomas Jefferson's original library sold to Congress in 1815 for $23,950. Jefferson had the largest and perhaps the finest personal collection of books in the country which he offered to the United States government to replace the holdings in the Capitol that were burned by the British in 1814. His book collection became the foundation of the Library of Congress. A second fire on Christmas Eve of 1851 destroyed nearly two thirds of the 6,487 volumes Congress purchased from Jefferson. He never used the word "sold" when referring to the transaction but used "ceded" instead.

Does anyone know if there is a list of the books they are missing? I would gladly donate any volumes I might have in my personal library of antiquarian books to this worthy cause. Read more. I love stories like this, don't you?

Proclaiming that "I cannot live without books," Jefferson began a second collection of several thousand books, which was sold at auction in 1829 to help satisfy his creditors.

Stated in a letter to John Adams dated June 10, 1815.

Have a great weekend, Rosemary.

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Homemade Yogurt Day In My Kitchen

I had a real assembly line going in my kitchen yesterday. Four batches of homemade yogurt (21 cups) were ready to refrigerate before I turned off the lights. I make mine with powdered milk and it's delicious. Easy too. I've picked up all of the incubators at various garage sales over the years. I always look for the ones with milk glass cups. They are the best. Oh happy day. I have to blast out of the house early this morning after I eat a cup of plain yogurt flavored with one spoonful of no-sugar apple butter from Wightmans, the local farm stand that's open all year. Yum. I have an early real estate showing. Please cross your fingers for my sellers. Rosemary

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Delightful Interior

I love the pillow made from a black pepper burlap bag.


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What A Beautiful Morning (Long Ago)

An early morning walk with Webster last summer with beautiful sun rays shining on very green grass. A preview of what's to come in a few months. Today I have blue skies and bright sun on white snow with birds singing in the background. It is actually quite nice. I put up a new feeder that the squirrels haven't discovered yet so the birds are happy. I made a peanut butter ball for them too. xo, Rosemary

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Endangered Carnivorous Plant Fears Floral Designers

Sarracenia leucophylla, the white-topped pitcher plant, grows wild in bogs and the wet pine savannas of Florida, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi. The nectar-producing ‘pitchers’ of these rare and uncommonly beautiful carnivorous plants are actually specialized leaves that lure, trap, and digest insects as a means of obtaining the nutrients lacking in their infertile soil. Demand for Sarracenia leucophylla for use in floral displays has led to widespread, illegal, and unsustainable harvesting of these wild plants. Agricultural and urban development, suppression of naturally-occurring fires, and competition from invasive plant species also pose threats to the habitats of wild populations of this spectacular species. If you see these plants in their native environment, just admire them and leave them alone so they can multiply. They are spectacular, aren't they?
Photo credit.

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Smile At The Baby Animals

That little Panda looks as if he's having such fun on his toy rocker. Ride 'em cowboy. Is there anything cuter than a Corgi puppy? I've never seen one in person but I love this one. They always remind me of Tasha Tudor and Queen Elizabeth. I'll be back later. Rosemary

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Interiors, Cottages, Sheds, Hideaways, and Barns

So simple and elegant. Nice family entrance.

Beautiful, warm, and cozy.

Rustic backyard shed decorated with real wood logs.

Wonderful garden shed.

Backyard spa.

Small cottage with wonderful landscaping.

Another small cottage with old-fashioned flowers and shrubs.

A beautiful barn in winter. via
This post has a little bit of everything, doesn't it? I've been weeding out my photos and these are some I've been saving. All of the backyard sheds and cottages are from Sunset. The first two interiors and the last barn in the snow are from blogs. If they are yours, let me know so I can put in a link.

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Vegan Vampire Vamp Alicia Silverstone

She's baaaack. Alicia Silverstone will be making a movie called Vamps with the director of Clueless. I love her. She's been getting a lot of well-deserved attention lately thanks to her new book The Kind Diet. Read more.

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Life's Little Instruction Book, page 154

This is the last page. Boo Hoo. It's been such fun posting this book page by page. Shall I start over?

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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Spring Bulbs Forced Indoors

Narcissus, grape hyacinth, and lily of the valley forced indoors in unfinished wooden flats that were sprinkled with fast-growing grass seed. How nice. Photographed from one of my books: Paradise Contained, Growing and Decorating with Flower Bulbs by Kathryn George and Mary Sears. Photography by William Stites.
Get started now and these spring-flowering bulbs will be ready in time for your Easter table. The lily of the valley sprig in the scallop shell is my photograph from last summer. I love the scent of these tiny flowers best of all.

"One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach. One can collect only a few, and they are more beautiful if they are few." Anne Morrow Lindbergh

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