Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Head and The Tongue

Where is the rest of this French bulldog? The last time I looked his body was still attached!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Piggy says Goodnight

The Pig is back for a one-night sleepover. He and Webster had a long walk when he first arrived at 4:00. They had dinner at 5:30 and I took them for another long walk. They are both sound asleep but I might wake them up again for another one before settling down for the night. I think I'll bed Piggy down with me so he will stay put since he didn't bring his crate. He is the cutest house guest ever and no trouble at all. Goodnight.

Entertaining the Queen's Corgis

Properly dressed to throw the soccer ball for the Royal dogs while the Queen looks on. via

Sleeping with A Loon

I had a real estate closing this week and found this used dog toy in the house, left behind by the previous dog. Score for Webster. He carries this loon around with him and sleeps with the squeaky toy too. It's only a little worse for wear with a damaged beak but Webster doesn't seem to mind at all. Have a great weekend.

Country Fog

We have fog and rain this morning. Webster went outside all by himself, ran back home, wolfed down his treat (a big bite of leftover cornbread), and then went back to bed. I told you he was a smart dog. I might follow his lead after breakfast. It is a perfect day for being lazy. via

Friday, March 2, 2012

Have a Great Weekend without Leaving Home :)

I'm still laughing over this hilarious drawing by Franco Matticchio. These guys would have a hard time making such a great swimming pool out of my bathtub because it has rounded sides. via Have a great fun weekend.

Black and White Kitchen to Impress You

The only thing I can see that is missing is windows. Must be an apartment in the city. It's a very nice one too. via

St. Patrick's Day Countdown

Tutorial for this St. Patrick's Day cake here. Use your own favorite recipe for a white cake.

Green Tea Iced Latte for St. Patrick's Day *Matcha green tea and milk, lightly sweetened served over ice*

Close your eyes, snap your heels, and pretend you are in Ireland. via

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Pedestal Sinks in Vintage Inspired Bathrooms

I like them all, don't you? See these photos and a few more here. We've come a long way from those old metal medicine cabinets with the slot inside for the used razor blades over the sink, haven't we?

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Webster's Favorite Spot

Webster has a window on his world in this spot. He can watch me cook in the kitchen straight ahead, see my mother if she comes upstairs to his right, look out the french door to the balcony on his left, and nap whenever the moment is right. His dog dish is within sight from here too. I had a request for a Webster update so here he is. I might add that he has taken to sneaking on this sofa in the middle of the night too which does not please me at all.
He must have gotten tired of this sofa on the other side of the room. Little guy is Piggie who came for a sleepover.

And this one opposite the fireplace. I give up.

Greetings from the Leap Day Lamb

Leap Day -- February 29, 2012 

New Friends

I took these photos yesterday at an open house and it seems like 10 years ago so much has happened since. You don't want to know the details which are mostly paperwork related. Anyway I took these on the fly and they aren't very good. The sheep is huge and adorable and she's in a paddock next to the last horse. The two horses are opposite each other so they can chat if that's what they do when no one is looking. It's raining here at the cottage today and I might start a fire when I'm sure I won't have to go out again. I have to go to the office in a little while. See you later.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

WOW The Life of Flowers | Timelapse Video

The Life of flowers (Жизнь цветов) from VOROBYOFF PRODUCTION on Vimeo.

Open House Day

I am excited about real estate this year. I'm rushing to get ready for my weekly office meeting with broker open houses after it's over. The spring market is upon us and there is a lot to see today. I should recharge my iPhone too. This is a pond behind a home I visited recently. See.You.Later!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Night Sky -- Good Night Moon

I took this iPhone photo of the night sky recently. The moon isn't quite this big now...It is just a sliver of a moon. I have a wonderful big open sky to enjoy when I walk Webster before bed. I love looking at the stars. See you tomorrow.

Courtyard Garden

Designed by Fairfax & Sammons Architecture. The far building must be a combination conservatory/garden room/pool house assuming there is a pool on the other side. via

Is it A Soup or Is it A Stew?

Original Blog Post/ Recipe HERE with more photos.

Some of the measurements are pretty vague, but in a stew-like soup, perfection is not necessary. Taste as you go, add more spice if necessary but beware that both chipotle and cayenne are SPICY, so start small. You can cook your beans from scratch or use canned for the sake of time.

1 Tbsp. coconut or extra virgin olive oil
1 medium yellow onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1/2 a small head of cabbage, chopped (heaping 2 cups)
3 cups cubed butternut squash (sweet potato would be good too)
3 cups low sodium vegetable broth
1 tsp. cumin
1 tsp. cocoa powder
pinch of chipotle powder or cayenne pepper
2 cups cooked, black beans (about one can, rinsed and drained)
salt to taste

avocado, for garnish
cilantro, for garnish

// tortilla crispies //
3 corn tortillas
scant 1 tsp. extra virgin olive oil
1/2 tsp. sea salt

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Laundry Day Upstairs

I have looked and looked at this photo and I cannot figure out how they got the clothes on the line. I don't see a pulley system; just stretched lines. It looks all but impossible to me. I have a couple of loads of wash I hope to be able to hang outside tomorrow. We have a cloudless sky today so I think I'll be okay.

A Kitchen to Drool Over

Shall we start with the ceiling and work our way down in this kitchen? Are you impressed yet? I love these hanging lights with the black shades...always a favorite. I think a serious cook would be very happy here preparing deliciousness for tonight's Oscar presentations. via

I'm pretty sure the only movie I've seen that is up for an Oscar is 'The Help' so I won't be compelled to stay awake until the end.  I'll start watching early because the best part to me is studying  the stars as they walk down the red carpet. Enjoy the last Sunday in February.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Look Out | Puppy Driving

Have a great weekend and take the dog along wherever you go. via

Love This Mud Room Floor

Beautiful ‘mud room’ back entrance by Amy Morris. Atlanta Homes Mag. This is the best floor I have EVER seen!!!!!!!! via

Cool Kitchen

Oh.My.Goodness -- what a great kitchen. Starting with the checkered floor and working my up the white cabinets to the great drawer pulls to the white subway tiles to the old-fashioned upper cabinets -- I love it all! via

Friday, February 24, 2012

Virtual Road Trip -- Wonderful Video

Story: A lonely desk toy longs for escape from the dark confines of the office, so he takes a cross country road trip to the Pacific Coast in the only way he can – using a toy car and Google Maps Street View. Have a great weekend...use your imagination the way this desk toy did!!
I have an invitation to come back later this spring and see this perennial garden when it is in full bloom. It is supposed to be fabulous. I'll post an updated photo afterwards. The homeowner's office is a wall of windows with french doors looking out on this. I think it's a lovely design, don't you? That 'ghost' you see outside is a window reflection of my white iPhone...the black dot in the lower right corner is the camera lens. The gravel form looks like a big gingerbread woman cookie.

Upholstered Chair | Both Tailored and Fancy

I love the fabric and the style of this upholstered chair. The top is very tailored and the gathered skirt is very feminine and fancy. 

It looks perfect in this shot beside a milking stool that was converted to a floor lamp. Isn't that a great idea?

Thursday, February 23, 2012


I though this was the perfect last image of the day before jumping in bed. Goodnight world. via

Home Maintenance Around My Cottage

Remember when I painted my picket fence two years ago? The finials didn't hold up too well as you can see. I am starting a list of the things that need attention outside. The list will be long too. You can only hide your head in the sand for so long before reality takes hold.