Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Black Island in A Sophisticated Kitchen

I think this black island base with the white marble top is elegant, don't you? I love all the drawers. Somehow I think this is a real working kitchen and not a trophy where no cooking ever takes place. *

I'm off to an office meeting early this morning. See you later.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Library with Secret Door

What a wonderful library wall in this old house with a secret opening. Love!

Beautiful Royals | William, Catherine, and Harry

I want to know more about this lovely photo. When was it taken? Before or after the wedding? Where are they going? I miss all of the pre-wedding excitement, don't you?

UPDATE: Here's the story with more pictures thanks to a reader.

I Could Never Have This | Suspended Bed

Because I'd never get anything done. I would read and nap the day away. I wouldn't even have to get up to let the pets in and out because there is even an animal door on this porch. It's probably the reason this back yard isn't better landscaped. The suspended swinging bed keeps the owner from doing any work. 

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Children's Book-Shop and Library Vintage Bookplate

"Infinite Riches in a Little Room" C. Marlowe


Two's company, three's a crowd. What's a fella supposed to do?

Glorious Garden Paths

Here is another slideshow for you from Better Homes and Gardens. I chose this photo because I'm feeling so neat and orderly this morning since I've already vacuumed the living room and the coffee isn't even ready yet. Sadly, I'll probably burn out before noon. 

See you later.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Extraordinary Flower Photo

I wish I knew the name of this lovely flower that is trying to open. Breathtakingly beautiful, isn't it? I had a very nice day and hope you did too. See you tomorrow. xo

Garden Tours | Slideshow

Cultivating the Past ~ In a garden in Nantucket, Massachusetts, a narrow path is flanked by exuberant mounds of colorful flowers, including foxgloves, cranesbills, and peonies. See Slideshow of Garden Tours

Wonderful Summer Sunday Morning

Now let's get all those things we've been buying at the nursery in the ground.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Best Laundry-Potting Room on The Planet

What a wonderful place to wash, dry and fold your laundry and do some potting too. You can get your clothes dirty and clean at the same time. I want to see the rest of the room. Honestly, I'm speechless.

The American Museum in Britain

Queen Kapi’olani’s Fan Quilt, early twentieth century, Hawaii.

The American Museum in Britain: The only museum of Americana outside the United States, the museum was founded to bring American history and cultures to the people of Britain and Europe. I've never been there, have you? I love that eye-dazzling red and white Hawaiian quilt. 

Friday, June 3, 2011

Weekend Alert

Make sure you have at least one of the items on hand for the weekend, a bike, a swing, and/or a stack of books and magazines.

Ex Libris Charles Dickens

Can you imagine being lucky enough to own a book with this bookplate? This volume once owned by Charles Dickens is in the Special Collections Department of the University of Glasgow [Scotland]. 

Portrait of A House

Architectural rendering of a house in Massachusetts. 
This is one of my favorite categories of art. I would love to have a collection of watercolor house portraits. image ~ New York Social Diary

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Clingstone Sea House in Narragansett Bay

CLINGSTONE, A faded, shingled 103-year-old mansion set on a rock in Rhode Island's Narragansett Bay, is one family's labor of love. It has been maintained for the past 47 years by working weekends in exchange for free lodging and food.

The Newport Bridge is visible from the windows of the Ping-Pong Room, to the left of the fireplace.

Casual array of multi-colored ping-pong paddles. There is time for play too!

The dining room table seats 14. Refinishing the chairs is a task on the list for a future work weekend.

Clingstone has survived through the love and hard work of family and friends. The architect owner (since 1961) says the house is always going to have rough edges. It's never going to look like the Breakers.

There are 14 photos in all that can be seen in this slideshow. I was fascinated by this story when it appeared in the New York Times on August 7, 2008.

I have been saving it for those of you who missed it. Enjoy.

Guardian at The Gate

What a nice job to have if you are a dog. He looks more like a 'meet and greet' Collie than one who would chase you away, doesn't he? That stone house is absolutely amazing and he's probably proud to live there and guard it.

I feel like I am living in the mountains today with all of this cool air blowing on me with no humidity. So happy.

Beautiful Morning

Goodness, gracious, what a beautiful morning. Somehow the humidity of yesterday disappeared and it feels almost like autumn here at the cottage. A great day for getting things done all around the house, both inside and outside. Webster and I are thrilled. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Baby Elephant Having Fun

This photo has been everywhere and now I'm posting it too. It is such a joyful image by Michael Graham. I wish this elephant would squirt me with some nice cold water. That would feel very good in this heat.

Great Summer Bedroom

I would dearly love to have a window over my bed in the summer. I have one on either side but I want one behind the bed too. This small vacation home bedroom is delightful, isn't it? *

Awakening Landscape

I have always loved filtered sun rays. This spectacular photo by Tomáš Záhumenský is called Awakening and it's perfect for my first post this morning. 

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Agnes Obel ~ Riverside

I found this lovely song this morning YouTube.

Fritillaria Folklore

I've never even heard of flowering bulbs called Fritillaria, have you? According to folklore, there is a tear inside each one because the flower refused to bow its head when Jesus passed on Good Friday. Gertrude Jekyll wrote that in the middle of each flower, the tear drop looked like a natural pearl, but was of a soft liquid substance. She described this flower as the most strange of all flowers.

Picasso and Lump

Picasso and his beloved Dachshund named Lump.
Photo ©David Douglas Duncan

Lump by Picasso

Picasso loved animals and his work is rich with depictions of them. In contrast to his usual beautifully complex style, Picasso’s animal drawings are loved for their simplicity and minimalism. There is even a book devoted to the artist and his best friend – Picasso and Lump: A Dachshund’s Odyssey, the little-known story of Pablo Picasso and his lovable dog Lump, who is immortalized in many of Picasso's acclaimed works of art. Isn't it wonderful that a dog named Lump became an icon in modern art? via

Monday, May 30, 2011

It will soon be time for bed for Webster and me. Goodnight.

I hope I have a better night than this little boy. With Webster there is no guarantee. I think it's too hot for him since I have yet to turn on the A/C so he will probably sleep in front of the screen door. Poor little guy. I know exactly how he must have felt before he gave up and went under the bed. Webster goes into some sort of a coma when he sleeps on top of the bed and he's incapable of understanding commands such as -- move over. This vintage photo that appeared in Life magazine really made me laugh. I'm so glad the parents had a camera handy. I had a wonderful day today...hope you did too. Click on the link and see all the hilarious photos from Life Laughs Last. This will entertain you for the rest of the evening/day. See you tomorrow.

In Flander's Field by John McCrae

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

"In Flander's Field" is a memorable poem that was written by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae in a cemetery in the Flanders region of Belgium on May 3, 1915, the day after the death of his young friend, Lieutenant Alexis Helmer.

Perhaps the most famous poem written during World War I, these simple but powerful fifteen lines, and the poppies they immortalize, have come to symbolize fallen soldiers. Learn more. I thought this was a perfect remembrance for Memorial Day.

Image: Painting by Willy Werner

Sunday, May 29, 2011