Sunday, August 21, 2011

Topiary Garden in Shades of Green

Isn't this topiary garden in Thailand absolutely amazing? I should really clip my boxwood today while I'm inspired. It's nice and cool and overcast. I finished my book and it will feel good to get some exercise. Enjoy your Sunday.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Argument | Birds

Don't you wonder what this heated discussion is all about? I know I do.

Mosaic Elephant

Try to view some things a little differently this weekend.

Big Tall Mushroom at My Cottage

I ran back inside to get my camera after spotting this tall mushroom that came out of nowhere overnight. We had fierce storms yesterday afternoon with very heavy rain and boomers. All is well this morning with sun and cool temperatures.

One of my wonderful blog readers sent me her copy of THE HELP by Kathryn Stockett and I am halfway through it. It's the perfect book for summer reading, especially for a southerner. I'm so glad I haven't seen the movie yet. Thank you JudyMac. xo

Have a great weekend everyone.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Time to Say Goodnight

It is pitch black outside and I still have to take Webster and Piggy out for a short walk. Then I will call it an evening and jump into bed for a little TV time. I had a busy day and a birthday party this afternoon. Was fun. See you tomorrow.

Morning Mist -- Somewhere

I'm feeling fall in the air here at the cottage and remembering spring.

Real Life Office

This looks like a real office to me instead of one that was staged. I have piles of stuff in mine too.

Kitchen Lust

Now you'll have to admit this is one fabulous kitchen, right?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

State Shells | Florida

Florida's State Shell, the Horse Conch (Triplofusus giganteus (Kiener, 1840)), is by far the most imposing of all the state shells, and may attain a length of 24 inches. The species, a voracious carnivore, is common on both coasts of Florida from the shoreline down to a depth of about 100 feet. Although the shell is found throughout the southeast United States, in Texas, and northeast Mexico, it is much more common in Florida waters. Does your state have a shell? Check here.

Simply Super Home Library

The only thing better than bookshelves is book cubbies. I adore this wonderful home library, don't you? The upholstered fender around the stove would be a good place to sit and defrost while reviewing a stack of books.

Guarding The Cottage

Piggy is enjoying his role as watch dog while he's a house guest. Webster has turned this window over to him because it has the best view of the road. He has the most hilarious bark which would scare away any burglar...not! Don't you love his silhouette?

Tranquility and Occupation

"It is neither wealth nor splendor; but tranquility and occupation which give you happiness."
~Thomas Jefferson

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

An Amazing Carriage House

Now this is one wonderful carriage house. I really want to go inside, don't you? The black doors and shutters are perfect.

Perfect Cool Weather Reading Room

I wouldn't change a thing, would you? Well I might just have to hang something over the mantel. We are having a cool day. It's only 70 degrees this afternoon and it feels wonderful. 

A Wonderful Porch

I could do some serious rocking on this front porch, couldn't you?

Monday, August 15, 2011

Fresh Bedroom

This bedroom is a breath of fresh air, isn't it? What a wonderful place to while away the hours alternating between sleep, daydreaming, and reading.

The Real Reason for Eating Ice Cream

I try my best to eat ice cream daily. Do you? What a great advertisement painted on the side of an old barn.

Lovely Architecture

I'm sure the rest of this home is way too big so I'll just take this part.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Too Funny

Made me laugh.

Minny's Chocolate Pie Recipe | THE HELP

I haven't read the book THE HELP and I haven't seen the movie yet but I will this coming week.

"The Help's ending hinges on a secret involving maid Minny's famous chocolate pie. Newspaper columnist Lee Ann Flemming, one of the best bakers in Greenwood, Mississippi made 53 chocolate pies during the movie's filming, including 12 vegan and gluten-free versions she prepared in just one day for actress Bryce Dallas Howard. Her fudgy version here is neither vegan nor gluten-free: It's as classic as it gets. You can make your own crust, but Flemming uses a packaged mix."

I can't wait to see all the Southern food I grew up on in this film. It is supposed to be a real feast for the eyes. What's unusual is that almost all the food in the movie was made by real Southern cooks—including teachers, a journalist and a cafeteria manager—recruited in Greenwood, Mississippi.

Another Painted Kitchen Floor to Admire

It rained all night and it's still coming down. I'm so happy I emptied my laundry basket yesterday and was able to hang everything on the clothesline to dry. My bed linens smelled wonderful, like sunshine and newly mown grass. I was careful not to discharge the grass clippings in the direction of the sheets. I'm thrilled that I accomplished these two tasks so I can enjoy doing whatever I please today. Enjoy your Sunday.

I love the gray and white diamonds on this painted floor, don't you?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Mid-August Mowing

The spirit moved me to mow at a little after 3pm this afternoon. All went well and at a little after 6pm I was finished with the back, middle and way back and side. The only thing I still have to do is the front. It is raining now and is supposed to rain tomorrow too. I was so happy I didn't have to stop even once and didn't run out of gas either. Hooray. It was really long but nothing my trusty Snapper couldn't handle.