Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Prosperous New Year

Times change but the sentiments don't. I'm always drawn to the beautiful fancy penmanship from years gone by. I'd love to see this 1904 County Clerk's ledger, wouldn't you?

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Friday, December 31, 2010

Keep Calm in 2011

Keep Calm in 2011

Will your animals be scared or calm?
Hiding under the bed or looking out the window?

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Fonts to Celebrate the New Year

May your new year be filled with beautiful fonts and alphabets.

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Children at Midnight on New Year's Eve

Will your children and grandchildren be allowed to stay up to ring in the New Year?

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Midnight Walk on New Year's Eve

My wish for you in 2011.
"May ye niver want aught nor a friend to share it wi ye."

This is an original work of art from an early 20th century Christmas Card I found in a desk. The grandchildren of the original owners did not want the contents of the drawers and the desk was full of wonderful ephemera.

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Riding A Pig to Bring in The New Year

To each his own. This wouldn't be my choice of ways to ring in The New Year. How will you be celebrating? Happy New Year!

Happy New Year

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year full of all good things and the ability to cope with the rest. Don't you love this vintage match book? Are you staying up late tonight? See you next year!
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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Snow Shadows and A Napping Dog

I still haven't taken my camera outside to do any serious snow photography. These were taken from inside the house. Webster sneaked back to bed this morning after his walk for a nap in my unmade bed. I had to leave the house before he was ready to get up so it's still a rumpled mess.

I had to wait in line forever to get my drivers license renewed today at Motor Vehicles. They said it was the busiest day of the year. I wasn't aware that they had closed the satellite office in Morristown until I went there yesterday and found all the windows covered with brown paper. At that point it was too late to drive to the main branch 30 minutes away. Oh well, I got in some good people watching today. The fashion police would have had a field day.

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Orangerie at Versailles

Still early morning at Versailles: Janey Kay via Flickr. Absolutely stunning.

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Lovely Captured Raindrops

Magical in every way. Beautiful photo. via

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Paris ~ New Year's Eve

This looks like the perfect place to ring in the New Year, doesn't it?

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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

P-A-R-I-S in Rain and Snow

Paris is beautiful no matter what the weather.
First photo (Fountain): Flickr © Marc Benslahdine
Second Photo (Snow): Street Photography in Paris

Ross Castle Reflected in Pond Killarney, Ireland

So beautiful. So serene. So Green. Why does a sky reflected in a pond look more beautiful than the actual sky? ~

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Love the Symmetry in this English Manor House

I have no information regarding this fabulous Manor House. I'm assuming it's in England but it could be elsewhere. Don't you love the symmetry of the main building? Architecture at its best. *

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Big Icicles and Big Ants

The meltdown has begun. These icicles were photographed outside my bathroom window this morning.

National Congress facade in Bogota, Columbia covered with ANTS by artist Rafael Gomez. Please click to enlarge image for ultimate impact. I love this art installation, don't you?

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I wonder how they are handling the snow in London? Don't you love the sky in this photograph? via

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A Wonderful Pair of Owls

You'll never convince me that these two owls aren't posing for the camera. Such a handsome couple too. via

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