Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Big Icicles and Big Ants

The meltdown has begun. These icicles were photographed outside my bathroom window this morning.

National Congress facade in Bogota, Columbia covered with ANTS by artist Rafael Gomez. Please click to enlarge image for ultimate impact. I love this art installation, don't you?

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I wonder how they are handling the snow in London? Don't you love the sky in this photograph? via

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A Wonderful Pair of Owls

You'll never convince me that these two owls aren't posing for the camera. Such a handsome couple too. via

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The Cottage at Night with Snow

I haven't been back this far in the current snow but will venture down there when I finish shoveling the back patio and deck and a path to the garage for recycling. Nothing has changed since this picture was taken last year only Webster and I both are a year older. The sun is bright and it's a lot warmer today. Stay warm.

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Wait For Me

Poor little guy. I hope he can join his friends on their walk on the wall.

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The Ice Cardinal Asks You to Feed The Birds

It's cold outside so don't forget to feed the birds. I have to pick up another huge bag of sunflower seeds when I venture out today. Stay warm.
Ice Cardinal via Pixdaus

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Monday, December 27, 2010

Keep Calm and Shovel Snow

The front is done, my car is cleaned off, the front part of the driveway has been plowed and shoveled as well. Saving the back for tomorrow. I kept up with the snow yesterday and maybe that made it easier today. I finally picked the perfect spot to park my car so the plow man can do both ends of my semicircular drive and then all I have to do is shovel a little around my car and clean it off. It worked perfectly.

The wind is still howling and I'm quite sure the snow will drift over my walkway again. Oh well, what can you do. It could have been worse. At least it was that light powdery stuff and not the wet heavy stuff.

Goodnight. See you tomorrow.

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Love Me, Love My Dog

Such a great letterpress card. I like the proverb too.

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Snow Day At The Cottage

This was Webster last night after we shoveled the walk.

Making yellow show on the walk this morning.
The snow had drifted over the bluestone path in the high wind.

Have a seat and stay a while.

I still have to clean my car and shovel around it.

Looking at the roof from my kitchen.

There is a boxwood under this mound.

The wreath has been decorated by Mother Nature.
The wind is howling and the snow has drifted. I still haven't been outside but must venture out and shovel pretty soon. My living room floor was covered with fine ashes from the fireplace due to the high winds and down drafts. I had to leave the flue open because the embers were still glowing when I went to bed. All in all I think we got off pretty easy. I live on a county road that gets plowed very regularly. Various friends can't say the same. The roads maintained by the small towns around here are often quite treacherous. Be safe and stay warm. See you later.

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Sunday, December 26, 2010

107 Recipes For Favorite Restaurant Dishes

Recipe #20 Oceanaire Seafood Room's Maryland-style crab cakes. I like this recipe because these crab cakes are baked, not fried.

Here is the link for all 107 Recipes.

I loved Recipe #14 for Strawberry Coconut Cake too.

Have fun clicking (and drooling) through all the photos.
Source: Los Angeles Times

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The Day After Christmas + Snow

Enjoying my wireless access in front of the fire. It's nice to be untethered. Thick wool socks and flannel-lined jeans complete this picture of contentment.

The blizzard has begun and I don't even care. I'm as snug as a bug in a rug. Here's hoping you are too. Be careful if you have to be out in it.

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National Gingerbread House Competition

The Grove Park Inn in Asheville, NC was the site for the 2010 National Gingerbread House Competition. Can you believe the creations in the three photos above are made from gingerbread? The contest wasn't limited to houses as you can see. Click here to see more delightful pictures of the winning entries in all age groups. Aren't they simply awesome?

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Saturday, December 25, 2010

My Wish for You This Christmas

Shakespeare said it best. "Health, Peace, and sweet content be yours." On Christmas and throughout the coming New Year.

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Yule Log with Music ~ Merry Christmas

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY! There is also a fabulous Yule Log playing on WPIX on your TV set with traditional Christmas Music. Channel 11 in the NY area. I hope you are having a wonderful Christmas.

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