Sunday, June 24, 2012

Living with Dogs | Coffee Table Book

I photographed this book on a coffee table recently and forgot all about it. This is definitely a volume I would love to own. It's almost time for Webster the wonder dog and me to tuck in. We just got back from a walk to the 'way back' where I did my 20 minute workout with my new hula hoop....10 minutes in each direction. Counterclockwise was a snap with no drops. Clockwise was much harder but I did it. See you tomorrow. The TV is calling. G'night.

Cabin Fever - A Great House Tour near Madison Georgia

You are in for a real treat if you want to see more photos of several restored antebellum dwellings near Madison, Georgia via Garden and Gun

Cheerful Cottage Style

I love everything in this photo and wish I could see more, agreed? The yellow really brings the sunshine inside the cottage. Enjoy your Sunday! via

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Lovely Sky at My Cottage Today

Low Country Cottage, Newly Built in SC

Don't you absolutely love this low country style cottage recently built in Ridgeland South Carolina? I'm crazy about the carport too. ©babyfella2007

Rinsing My Sweet Red Cherries

I cannot get enough cherries and my favorite way to eat them is straight out of the refrigerator right off the stems. I love the way they snap when you bite down on them. I must go and get more today because this small strainer contains the end of my supply. I hope they are still on sale. Do you love cherries too? my iphone photo

Welcome to The House at Blue Water Hill

Designed by Robert. A. M. Stern Architects
Continue the Westport, Connecticut tour here.
Enjoy your weekend!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Beautiful Shells

Nature really is the best designer, isn't she. I love the graphic design and colors of this shell collection. I have never owned any like this but have always admired them in shops and photos. Have a great weekend. via

Free iPad App from Martha Stewart

This amazing app for iPad from Martha Stewart is a free download until July 8th and then the price jumps to $4.99. It is amazing. You can type, write freehand, glue, glitter, stamp, use photos, use templates, and so on. It will amuse you for hours creating cards, labels, blog posts, etc. I made this 'card' in just a few minutes -- it's so easy! Download from the app store HERE. It's called Martha Stewart CraftStudio. Get it while it's free. You can thank me later. Free is good! 
*Thanks Martha*

Happy Second Full Day of Summer

If this photo doesn't illustrate summer, I don't know what does. It's lovely, isn't it? via

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Dueling Watering Cans

ON GUARD! Is this a metal rain barrel/sink to catch the gutter runoff? via

DIY Toad Abode from Old Flower Pot

I copied this photo from Garden Gate Magazine. They have a delightful article you can pull up on your computer if you google:

inviting toads to your garden Garden Gate Magazine

I've tried including this link in my posts and some are having trouble figuring out how to view the PDF. Try it yourself from your own computer and see if you can pull it up. The photo is pretty self explanatory showing how you can to make a toad happy. You might have to use tile nippers to make the hole in an old broken flower pot bigger. 

This Dog Has High Hopes

I love the spirit of this photo because it reminds me of myself. I tend to think I can do anything I put my mind to and this mind-set has failed me only once. I was trying to do a superwoman job of moving a giant old-school television from a low table to a higher one and I simply could't do it alone.
I have almost mastered going clockwise with my hula hoops. Notice I said hoops? I have a new one that was a gift from a friend in Vermont. It's not wavy, is much thinner, lighter, and a little bigger than my first one. I like it and it's good to have a second one to give my workout a different challenge. 

Mt. Toad Revisited

I took this photo last night after dinner while Mr. Toad was getting a breath of fresh air. It was very hot yesterday and will be again today with a predicted 97 degree high. I put out a small stainless steel water dish for him and this morning it was filled with muddy water so I'm pretty sure he jumped in a time or two BUT he wasn't inside the toad house. I'm not too concerned (lie) and will keep you posted. I hope he comes back.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Old School in New Zealand

Isn't this old school in New Zealand lovely? The setting is wonderful too. Photograph © brian nz 

Dining on The Deck

Wouldn't it be nice to have a ground-level deck like this so you could eat outside and look at all of this natural beauty without looking through a railing? I love the mustard field in the distance. via

A Beautiful Reflection

This is such a peaceful photo, isn't it? I wish I had more information about the structure and the place. via

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Goodnight iPad by Ann Droyd [Video]


OMG---this is too fabulous for words. View this parody of 'Goodnight Moon' full screen if you can. Click here if you can't see this AMAZING video. I'm sure everyone will be able to relate to this modern bedtime story!!! It's not for kids's for all of us. Hardcover book available here.

White Kitchen Love

I am totally in love with this kitchen. The placement of the island gives the look and feel of a galley kitchen. This would be a great place to really cook on that small commercial range. Raise your hand if you like it too. via

Wild Grape Vines at My Cottage

I always look forward to photographing the wild grape vines. The leaves are so interesting, both front and back. My iPhone photo.