Friday, March 5, 2021

Broccoli Cornbread

I need to go grocery shopping so badly but keep putting it off until there is nothing to eat so I made broccoli cornbread for lunch today, the easy way. I steamed some frozen broccoli florets, chopped them after they defrosted, and added them to the batter of Martha White self-rising Corn Meal Mix. It was delicious as you can see from my photo. I sometimes do this with a can of drained whole kernel corn and that's good too. You can also use creamed corn. I've never tried green peas but I'm sure those would be delicious too.

I got my first Moderna Vaccine yesterday and haven't had any side effects at all. Even the shot was painless at the CVS pharmacy. Gail, northern California has already checked in on me as you will see on the comments of my last post. Dose #2 is in 3 weeks on April 1st. I am so relieved to be half way there. xo

UPDATE: A lot of you tell me you learn things from me so here goes. I met a lady yesterday who said her GPS took her to the wrong CVS. She said she had driven to the correct one several days prior and thought her GPS was just taking her a different way. I told her she should have driven the way she knew and her GPS would have corrected itself and she said she never knew that. I often tell WAZE how I want to go. I put in a driving request if I already know most of the route except the part at the end. I start driving the way that is familiar to me paying no attention to the voice instructions except at the end. Every time I contradict WAZE it corrects itself and lets me do what I want. This also teaches my phone a new route. I will do anything to avoid major highways and am teaching my GPS all the back roads. I hope this tip helps someone.