Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Alice in Wonderland Illustrated Quote by Lewis Carroll

Vintage illustrations from Life Magazine ©Time.

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Gourmet Magazine's 67 Best Cookie Recipes 1941-2008

Gourmet Magazine first appeared in 1941. To celebrate their 67th anniversary they are offering their favorite cookie recipe from each year 1941-2008. All 67 and on-line. How great is that?

This is especially nice since Gourmet Magazine is folding.

The site takes a while to load but it's worth the wait (the first time) to see the cookies perform. After that it's not fun, so just click "skip intro" and search on the various tabs.

This will be a nostalgic trip down the cookieland trail. All kinds of cookies too....everyday cookies as well as holiday cookies.

I am calling this post a FREE DOWNLOAD. Aren't you glad I found it for you? You are very welcome!

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

"Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted." John Lennon

I still miss him.
It's been 29 years since he was taken from us on December 8, 1980.

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Monday, December 7, 2009

Original Manuscript | Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

This manuscript - one of the British Library’s best - loved treasures - is the original version of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll, the pen-name of Charles Dodgson, an Oxford mathematician. Dodgson was fond of children and became friends with Lorina, Alice and Edith Liddell, the young daughters of the Dean of his college, Christ Church. One summer’s day in 1862 he entertained them on a boat trip with a story of Alice’s adventures in a magical world entered through a rabbit-hole. The ten-year-old Alice was so entranced that she begged him to write it down for her. It took him some time to write out the tale - in a tiny, neat hand - and complete the 37 illustrations. Alice finally received the 90-page book, dedicated to ‘a dear child, in memory of a summer day’, in November 1864. Urged by friends to publish the story, Dodgson re-wrote and enlarged it, removing some of the private family references and adding two new chapters. The published version was illustrated by the artist John Tenniel. Many years later, Alice was forced to sell her precious manuscript at auction. It was bought by an American collector, but returned to England in 1948 when a group of American benefactors presented it to the British Library in appreciation of the British people’s role in the Second World War. I started to hyperventilate when I found this site. Really! The complete 91-page manuscript from the British Library has been digitized and it's very easy to read if you enlarge the images. You can listen to the audio version as well. Isn't the Internet wonderful? Alice has never been more popular, has she? Enjoy this story and let me know how you like it. Rosemary

Shakespeare Holiday Card | Free Download

"Health, peace, and sweet content be yours."

This is my Christmas wish for you!

I made this holiday card years ago and it is my all-time favorite. It would be a great New Year's card as well. Actually it is a perfect winter card for any occasion. All you need is one sheet of card stock. After printing, fold in half and write your own personal message inside. It helps to score the paper first for a nice crisp edge. You can also turn the page around and run it through the printer again. Cut in half (I use a paper cutter) and you will have two large postcards or gift tags. My design uses only black ink so it is very economical to print, yet it's simply stunning!

Click here for my free download. Scroll down to see design.

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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Alice in Wonderland (3D Movie) Opens 3/5/10

Can't wait, can't wait, for this very important date!

This is going to be amazing. Tim Burton is the Director, Johnny Depp is the Mad Hatter, Helena Bonham Carter is the Evil Red Queen, Anne Hathaway is the White Queen. The role of Alice is portrayed by Mia Wasikowska. Based on Lewis Carroll's novels Through the Looking Glass and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Besides being in 3D, the movie Alice in Wonderland is combining live action, motion capture technology, and stop motion. It promises to deliver a marvelous experience and I'm sure it will. Much more.

Tim Burton Exhibition at MOMA
November 22, 2009 - April 26, 2010

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Life's Little Instruction Book, page 146 + Nice House

I always try to put keys in the same place when I come in the door. The only thing that gets me in trouble is when I forget they are in a coat pocket and then switch jackets. I like this newer colonial home and the hearth with paneled wall in the keeping room. It's very hard to find a builder who can pull this off so nicely. Don't you love the blue door in the last photo? We had a surprise snow storm yesterday and I had to shovel the walk before turning in. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Have a nice Sunday. Rosemary

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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Christmas Decorating Inside and Out

I don't know about you but after seeing these wonderful photos I am inspired to begin decorating the cottage for Christmas. I put my wreath on the door yesterday (last photo) and got out all of my decorations.

I usually don't begin this early but thought to myself, "Why not? 'Tis the Season!" Have you started yet? I got the wooden cranberry beads at a thrift shop yesterday and wrapped two strands around my vintage pinecone wreath. I had an extra stocking that I decided to hang outside to complete my door decor. Don't worry, I still have three more to hang inside at the fireplace for Santa to fill. One is for Webster, of course. Have a great day, Rosemary

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Friday, December 4, 2009

Ralph Waldo Emerson Quote about Home Ownership . . .

I know the television in this attic bedroom is inappropriate for a quote by Emerson, but somehow I thought it was a room he would like.

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Audrey Hepburn Illustrated Quote

I made this illustrated quote honoring Audrey Hepburn's inner beauty some time ago. It's timeless, isn't it?

Content in a Cottage

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Ladybug Uses Computer + Sunrise This Morning

I think this ladybug was trying to tell me something, don't you? I wish I'd had the presence of mind to move her to the "Home" key on my computer. That would have been great. I'm still seeing these cute little bugs in my house from time to time. I shot the sunrise photo when I got up this morning. It was very beautiful in person. Have a great day, Rosemary.

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