Sunday, February 14, 2010

These Made Me Smile Today

Now this is what I call a pie chart.

Awww. How sweet is this?
Both images.

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I'm Definitely Judging This Book By Its Cover

Library, An Unquiet History by Matthew Battles. I love the cover so much. I know you aren't supposed to judge a book by its cover but I can't help myself. It's agreat one, isn't it? You can read a portion online here before you reserve it via your favorite librarian or purchase the book. Let me know if its good. Rosemary

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My Blog in The Baltimore Sun

Susan Reimer mentioned my blog today in her Valentine's Day post for The Baltimore Sun. It seems that other gardeners were able to find hearts in their gardens too. This is so exciting. Thank you Susan. She writes Garden Variety, A Blog for the Mid-Atlantic Gardener.

What a nice surprise. Blogging brings us together in very unexpected ways, doesn't it? You can follow her on Twitter too.

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Year Of The Tiger + Love On Valentine's Day

In addition to being Valentine's Day today is also the first day of the Lunar New Year or Chinese New Year, The Year of The Tiger. The USPS has both events covered very nicely indeed. Happy Valentine's Day and Happy New Year too.

A wonderful antique Valentine from a past century. Luckily it was treasured, loved and preserved to inspire us today. Have a great day, Rosemary

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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Loving This Mood Board

I love this bulletin board or mood board, don't you? It's big and simple. Nice.
found here

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Hearts Are Everywhere If You Look Hard Enough

These are some of the photos I've taken since starting my blog twenty months ago. Each has a heart theme and is perfect for Valentine's Day. The first photo is of a wildflower that came up by itself on my property two summers ago. I did not even notice when I was snapping away the all of the dark stamens in the flower's center were composed of tiny hearts. I did not photoshop this image in any is straight out of the camera just the way Mother Nature made it. Does anyone have any idea what kind of flower this is? I've looked at every center of black-eyed susans, sunflowers, etc. and haven't seen another one. Was this one unique? Please tell me there are others out there because I want to plant more.

My mac and cheese was baked in an old Bennington Pottery heart-shaped baking dish which I love. The walnut shell is completely natural too. The heart-shaped vine grows wild everywhere. I have a tree with heart-shaped leaves too but no photos.

Nature has a knack for producing hearts. Look around and see what you can find. Happy Heart Day, Rosemary

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A Real Sweetheart

Dogs can be Valentines too. Webster is mine. I think I will make him some homemade treats today on the Panini press just like the ones I made for his birthday. Recipe here.

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Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentine's Day Paperweight

Isn't this decoupaged glass paperweight the best desk accessory you've seen lately? Wouldn't it be great to give or receive as a Valentine present? Two days away and counting until February 14th (Valentine's Day). Available here. Actually, I think it's the perfect gift for any occasion.

You still have time to make one. I'm pretty sure they have the paperweight blanks at Michaels. Get out your Mod Podge and decoupage away. How-To instructions here.

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Gardening Indoors

ontent in a Cottage is happy to report that all of the geraniums she brought in the house to winter over are doing extremely well. There are new blooms on several and one or two of the plants need to be cut way back. I think I'll do that over the weekend and root some cuttings. When and if Spring ever rolls around, I'll be all set to put them outside. According to Feng Shui these round-shaped leaves are supposed to be lucky too. So far, so good. I can't remember anything bad happening to me since I brought the plants indoors so the geranium leaves must be working.
They are really pumping up the Winter Olympics on TV, aren't they? I guess I'll watch the opening ceremonies tonight but honestly I can't get that excited about anything snow related. Just kidding. It should be interesting to watch the athletes compete in Vancouver's indoor arena. Hope you have a great weekend, Rosemary.

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Sampson and Horne Antiques Inventory To Be Auctioned

Very sadly due to Jonathan Horne’s illness it has been decided to close the business and auction the entire stock at Bonhams, Bond Street on 28th April 2010. Make sure you click on the link above to see a wonderful slideshow of extremely rare items.

Auction House Note: After 40 years of trading at the top end of the business, legendary English antique dealership, Sampson and Horne, are to sell their entire stock, comprising nearly 800 lots, and attracting a pre-sale estimate of £1,000,000. Read entire press release.

Years ago, I sold a magnificent extra-large pair of salt glazed stoneware Staffordshire spaniels to the late business partner Alistair Sampson and I have always been sorry. He bought them from me right on the floor of a Sotheby's Arcade Sale, having arrived too late to bid. I had no idea how rare they were...I just liked them. I still think about them from time to time. Oh well.

We don't ever actually own antiques, we are just caretakers.

"Take care of your antiques and they will take care of you."

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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Late Afternoon Shadows

Everything is completely back to normal. The walks are all clear, the roads are black, my car's dug out, the top part of the driveway has been plowed and I've hand shoveled the problem areas. All in all, it wasn't too bad at my house. This long bench on my balcony shows undisturbed snow 18 hours after the white stuff stopped falling. It is very hard walking out back...makes me wish I had snowshoes. Wouldn't they be fun? Webster could use 4 small ones. Hope all is well at your house too. Rosemary

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Tiny Brooklyn Studio

A tiny studio apartment proves that the more (artfully arranged) stuff you put in a room, the bigger it seems. It's only 178 square feet according to a New York Times article. This young man is nothing short of amazing. He has taken organization and collecting to a whole new level. His mother raised him well.

Civilized Alarm Clock

What a wonderful way to wake up. Steven Fry has recorded 6 different messages to talk you into opening your eyes. He uses his best Butler Voice. It's really delightful to hear him saying "Good Morning Madam" along with his reason you should rise and shine. He can say "Sir" as well. Read more and listen too. I love the architectural design, don't you?

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow, Books, and A Dog

When I got up this morning I saw a rather normal overnight snowfall and breathed a sigh of relief. Since then another foot has been added but thankfully we never got the high winds that were predicted. The weather people are saying it will soon be over though it's still falling pretty heavily. All in all, I feel very lucky. I've shoveled the walk several times trying to keep up since it's heavy and wet. After I took the first shot through the screen in my bedroom I pointed the camera upward to snap a couple of the bookshelves. I love fine leather bindings. Webster enjoyed cleaning the yogurt container. He always closes his eyes when something is super delicious. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Rosemary and Webster

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