Thursday, November 6, 2008

Watch YES WE CAN again . . .

Watch this again...or for the first time...whatever applies.

Content in a Cottage

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Who's The Boss today? . . .

Bruce Springsteen, aka The Boss, spent some quality time with Barack Obama and his daughter Sasha last month in Ohio.

I love this photograph. Everyone looks so happy and so normal!

I can't wait to meet the "First Puppy" ~ the girls really earned this promised reward.

Congratulations to all of us.

Source: FameCrawler

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We've made such progress . . .

"If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress." Barack Obama

Newark, New Jersey. December 1912. "Eldridge Bernard, 11 years old. Buster Smith, 6 years old. Colored route boys of Newark. Taken at 4 p.m." Photograph and caption by Lewis Wickes Hine. Library of Congress. (Source: Shorpy)

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Rare Presidential Bookplate . . .

"The outcome justifies the deed."

A rare personal bookplate of George Washington measuring 2-1/2" x 4" sold recently at auction in Dallas, Texas for $3,250.00.

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President Elect Barack Obama . . .

I am so very proud of this man and this great country!
God Bless America.

Election details.

Source: fuzbiz

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama Wins . . .

Barack Obama, 44th President of the United States.

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And the winner is . . .

Please vote today so this cover can become a reality.
This is an actual Time Magazine Cover for May 19, 2008. Read the cover story.

Photo by Callie Shell The Digital Journalist

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Political signs on a fence in Mendham, NJ . . .

These signs are posted on a fence at a very busy spot near the Hilltop Presbyterian Church in Mendham, NJ.

I saw them when coming home from the dentist's office yesterday and went back today to photograph them.


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Monday, November 3, 2008

Rock the Vote | Take Part in Democracy . . .

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." Barack Obama

We are almost there. Don't forget to vote!

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Free Coffee for Voters at Starbucks 11/4 and More . . .

Tuesday (11/4) is a big day for our nation. We all have the chance to make a difference by choosing to take advantage of our democratic right to vote and now Starbucks has joined the slew of businesses offering up freebies for the election-conscious. Tell your barista that you voted and they'll serve you up a tall cup of brewed coffee on the house.

Ben & Jerry's is celebrating YOU, the voting population of the good 'ol USA for taking part in the election process. Stop by your nearest participating
Ben & Jerry's between 5-8pm for a free scoop!

Not to be outdone
Krispy Kreme is also showing some love for anyone with an "I voted" sticker. Stop by your nearest doughnut shop for a special star-shaped patriotic treat complete with red, white, and blue sprinkles.

Don't forget to get your "I Voted" sticker after you vote.

Thanks to: Daily Dose of Freebies

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Vote True 2008 | Message from a 4 year old boy . . .

Simply wonderful advice from Truett.

Vote for Hope. Only one more day!

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It's Crunch Time! . . .

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Sunday, November 2, 2008

"Raising the Bar" new TV series on TNT . . .

Important heads up about the first season of RAISING THE BAR ~ the new cable series on TNT from Emmy winning producer Steven Bochco. Here is your chance to record the whole first season all at once. The season finale is Monday 11/3 at 10pm EST. Check your local listings. TNT is having a marathon this afternoon (11/3) starting at 1PM of all the episodes from the beginning; ending with the final episode. Set your DVR so you can watch the entire first season from beginning to end. Don't have cable? No can watch the show on-line. Check out the website ~ it's great. I can recommend this with authority since I have watched every episode so far. I promise you will like it. It is smart and exciting with an attractive cast of young lawyers.

Jane Kaczmarek plays Judge Trudy Kessler. She's tough and she plays her character wonderfully.

Enjoy. You can thank me later.

Alfred E. Newman for President ~ Hopeless . . .

Thanks to: Mad History

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Hardworking Party Shoes . . .

The Digital Journalist Callie Shell took this picture. She pointed out to Barack Obama that he had holes in his shoes. He said he knew; they had already been resoled at least once. He has been pounding the pavement for you and for me so please VOTE ON NOVEMBER 4th.

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Party Shoes . . .

These are great. I only wish I had discovered them sooner. Other styles are available including one pair with the elephant too for the undecided voter. They are $45.00 and the company Toms Shoes has a fabulous company policy. For every pair purchased (in any style) Toms will give a pair of shoes to a child in need. Go to their website and watch a short film before you start shopping for the many styles available for men, women, and children. Surely you will consider purchasing from such socially conscious entrepreneurs. The holidays are think gifts.

The Peaceable Kingdom . . .

This is a wonderful theorem watercolor I picked up at a tag sale recently. I have the perfect antique frame for it. My mother is going to love this Christmas present! It is based on The Peaceable Kingdom by Edward Hicks (very fitting since this is our family name).

Peaceable Kingdom, ca. 1830–32
Edward Hicks (American, 1780–1849)
Oil on canvas; 17 7/8 x 23 7/8 in.

Edward Hicks, a Quaker preacher and sign painter, painted approximately sixty versions of the Peaceable Kingdom. The painting represents the messianic prophecy of Isaiah 11:6: "The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them." The presence of additional animals and children on the left is due to Hicks' inclusion of the seventh and eighth verses. Hicks derived the composition, a popular nineteenth-century Bible illustration, from an engraving after a drawing by the English artist Richard Westall. The theme of a peaceable community of animals was one often used as a political metaphor, and was adapted by Hicks himself. The artist sometimes included scenes of Penn's treaty with the Indians, intending Penn's flock to stand as a sort of partial fulfillment of the biblical prophecy. Image: Metropolitan Museum of Art

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Abraham Lincoln ~ Inexperienced Senator from Illinois . . .

Only two more days. Please make your vote count.

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