I stumbled upon this wonderful article in The New York Times about a very talented self-taught carpenter who builds low-income housing in Texas using trash, found objects, salvaged items, recycled building materials and does a beautiful job. Left-over roofing shingles in many colors are artfully arranged on this home. Click on the photo to see all of the photos in the
Kristie Stevens rents one of Mr. Phillips's houses. She is working with him on building a house of her own nearby, since Mr. Phillips requires the eventual owner of a house to help with its construction.
Mr. Phillips's houses use scrap wood for siding. City officials worked closely with him to set up a recycled building materials warehouse where builders, demolition crews and building product manufacturers can drop off items rather than throw them in a dumpster headed for the landfill.
A wood-burning stove from an old ship found a new home in Mr. Phillips's "tree house."
A chair's back is fashioned out of cattle bones.
Read the full article. Source: Photos + text: New York Times.
Thanks for stopping by the cottage for some inspiration about a one-man habitat for humanity. Have a great weekend. ♥Rosemary