Thursday, January 19, 2012

Sleeping Under the Stars

Wouldn't it be fun to sleep under the stars in this delightful bedroom? The stars have been amazing here at the cottage the last few nights and I could see the constellations quite clearly starting with Orion's belt. I haven't taken the wonder dog out for  his last walk yet and I think it will be cloudy. A dusting of snow is predicted tonight. Sleep tight. See you tomorrow. via

Restorable Carpenter Gothic House in Decay

I hope someone saves this great old home. via

Cottage Bungalow Circa 1923

I love this tiny cottage with a front porch and an upstairs sleeping porch. I want the plan book too!
This house and plan were shown in the 1923 plan book, The Books of a Thousand Homes. It featured 500 small house plans. Most of them really were small by today's standards. This one reflects the post WWI movement away from the horizontally oriented Craftsman-style to the more modern and very romantic aesthetic of the 1920s. This particular plan was by Olsen & Urbain, Architects.
The Books of a Thousand Homes: 500 Small House Plans edited by Henry Atterbury Smith.
via ©American Vintage Home on Flickr

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Sleepy Sea Otter

I've been really, really busy for the last several days. This sea otter has the right idea. It's time to say goodnight. 

Wonderful Sign - Rules for A Nice Life

An alphabet to live by. I took the photo of this sign in the home of a friend.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Fabulous salvaged farm sink.

Repurposed, salvaged sink in a renovated Vermont kitchen. Smith and Vansant Architects. I love everything I see in this photo. via

Spectacular Morning with Snow

The most beautiful dusting of snow ever.
Teleport me there now, please.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Earlier iPhone Photo with Edits

I'm still loving my iPhone camera and having fun playing around with different photo edits. Now that the brilliant fall colors have disappeared, I toned down this Japanese maple branch.

Antique Tartanware from Scotland

I have only owned a few pieces of Tartanware in my lifetime of collecting. I would love to have a grouping like this one to decorate my slant-front desk, wouldn't you. via

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Rare Horn Bottle Opener -- Reindeer Form

This cool bar tool with an antler handle resides on my kitchen counter and I can't remember the last time I needed his assistance in opening a bottle. I've never seen another so I think this form must be rare. Purchased years ago from the owner of  an old log cabin. Finding unusual things is such a thrill, isn't it?

Chilly Weekend on Tap

A scene in my trench after the rain from the last several days started to freeze.

Saturday Sunrise from My Kitchen Window

I was up with the sun this morning standing at the kitchen sink getting the coffee going. The day got off to a colorful start but quickly turned overcast and gray. As this Saturday progresses I see blue skies, white puffy clouds and some bright sun starting to appear.

My wish for you this weekend.

Just enough snow to look nice but not enough to be a problem. via

Friday, January 13, 2012

It's the Weekend

Have a great one!

Awesome Winter Sky at My Cottage !

click photo to enlarge
The sky got very beautiful for just a few minutes and I was able to grab my iPhone, run up to the attic, throw open the window with no screen and snap away. I'm amazed at the beauty that surrounds me when I'm not even looking. 

Patiently Waiting for Pizza

  I popped a couple of Totino's frozen Party Pizzas in the oven for lunch. My mom and I love them. We always get triple cheese and add some toppings. Today I added feta cheese, green olives and the pimentos from the salad olives. The oven was preheated to 450 and I cooked them directly on the second from the bottom oven rack for 13 minutes. I used the wooden rack puller/pusher twice.
  This was a perfect cold weather Friday lunch without leaving the house. Webster enjoyed a crusty bite from each of us. 

Two indispensible kitchen items at my cottage.

   I use both of these wooden kitchen items on a daily basis. The top one is homemade and is used to pull out a hot oven rack and push it in again without burning your hand. You could easily make one yourself by carving up one of those sturdy paint stirrers, available free at The Home Depot. I got mine at a garage sale. The total length is 14 inches but it could be longer if desired.
   The other item I couldn't live without is my trusty wooden toast tongs. They are great for fishing out English muffins without using a metal fork. No more danger of electrocution or burned fingers here at the cottage.

A Very Young Prince Charles and The Queen Mother

The young Prince Charles adored and was adored by his grandmother Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother. We haven't had a dose of British Royalty lately and I know everyone will love this delightful vintage photo. via

Thursday, January 12, 2012

After Dinner Drinks at Mousey Hall

After a pleasant dinner with Miss Mousey, Froggy and Mr. Rat enjoy drinks and pleasant conversation. Froggy appears to be doing a little courting too. Don't you love the wonderful fireplace wall? Randolph Caldecott's illustrations always gave the animals small mansions with fine antiques and he dressed them in the finery of the day. 

Webster Says

Any day that begins with an oatmeal pan is a good one. A while later I discovered this scene in the bedroom.

Please don't put the pan in the sink to soak yet. I'm not finished with it. Is this the dog equivalent of breakfast in bed? I know this looks like a dog bed but it is actually MY bed. The wonder dog jumped up on it with the pan in his mouth.

Rainy Day at My Cottage

At least it isn't snow. I think it will be a good day for paperwork in my office before getting my hair cut this afternoon.