Saturday, November 12, 2011

Mudroom of My Dreams

I absolutely adore this mudroom. Have you ever seen a better one? I haven't.

A Winter Garden

This beautiful photo sort of jolted me into making a list of all the winter-related tasks I need to do today before the weekend is over. 
  • Drain hoses and store them in garage.
  • Turn off water supply to outside faucets and drain them.
  • Spread more wood chips before pile freezes.
  • Buy some paperwhites to force.
  • Bring in more firewood.

The first two items are the most important. Have a great weekend and I'll see you later.

Friday, November 11, 2011

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders Fields by John McCrae

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

"In Flander's Field" is a memorable poem that was written by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae in a cemetery in the Flanders region of Belgium on May 3, 1915, the day after the death of his young friend, Lieutenant Alexis Helmer.

Perhaps the most famous poem written during World War I, these simple but powerful fifteen lines, and the poppies they immortalize, have come to symbolize fallen soldiers. I thought this was a perfect remembrance for Veterans Day. My town had a little ceremony under the flag pole and a number of veterans in uniform attended.

Image: Painting by Willy Werner -- History of Veterans Day

French Wall Sconce

I just ran across this gilded figural wall sconce I bought years ago. It is not wired and has an odd (European) bulb holder so I really can't use it unless I convert it to hold a candle or have it rewired.

Adele sings 'Someone Like You' in her own home [video]

It's almost impossible to listen to the radio for any length of time without hearing Adele sing this beautiful song. I was delighted to find a video of her sharing the history of this song and then to be able to hear her sing it live from her home. The house tour is amazing. I'm glad she has a sweet little dog. Watch and listen here.

Coffee Cup on My Assistant's Head

I had a request for a picture of my folk art assistant with my coffee cup on his head. Here it is before my first sip of the day.  See how handy it is to have such a great item? The edge is burned from the days someone used it as a smoking stand. I'm sitting just to the left. Aren't you glad I don't have to reach 'all the way' over to the coffee table each time I want a sip of coffee while I'm blabbing blogging?

Remember to make a wish at 11:11 am today (11/11/11). You'll have to wait 100 years to do it again. You might as well stay up late and make another wish tonight at 11:11 pm. It can't hurt and remember to wish big.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Delightful Hot Spring in Japan

Shirahone Onsen 
'White Bone' Onsen (hot spring), named for the milky blue white minerals that make this water opaque. Wouldn't this be a delightful place to soak before bed? All that would be required is a trip to Japan. via Flickr

Saw Some Sheep Today | Finally

I was pretty far away while photographing these sheep this afternoon.

I wish I could borrow this one to graze at my house before I do my final cutting.

I was standing behind a fence along the road way back here. The barn is in front of the white colonial house.

The noon sun was shining so brightly I couldn't tell what I was doing here. I was on my way to pay my property taxes when I pulled over to take this shot. I can walk to this location but haven't seen these animals in ages. This flock of sheep is grazing on a property next to a Richard Meier contemporary. I love the juxtaposition. Once again I was very far away focusing directly into a blinding sun.

Babysitting for Peanuts

I wish I knew more about the history of this fascinating vintage photo from Life magazine showing an elephant nursemaid pushing a baby carriage. Were they running away to join the circus? via 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My Personal Assistant

I got this wonderful dog smoking stand years ago at an antiques center. He now has the job of holding my coffee cup in the morning as I work on my laptop in the living room. It's so nice to have a hot cup of coffee right at hand.

He has a real dog tag around his neck too.

Have you kissed a sheep today?

Wednesday morning animal pic of the day. We can thank these two for the wonderful wool they give us for our sweaters and the lanolin we put on our lips to keep them from chapping in the winter. I use pure food-grade lanolin on mine and I'm addicted to it. I use CVS Pharmacy Lanolin Cream found in the baby aisle. via

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Literary Cat

Great Flocks of Black Birds in a Murmuration

Murmuration from Sophie Windsor Clive on Vimeo.'s wonderful. via

Morning Oatmeal

I was hoping to be able to capture the steam rising from my morning oatmeal but couldn't. It was rather awkward holding the bowl with one hand while manipulating my iPhone with the other. But I did it. A hot bowl of thick rolled oats with European style yogurt and a drizzle of agave nectar is a fine way to start your day. I'm off to an office meeting and should stop playing around and get ready. I'm so easily distracted. See you later.

Bluebird on Watering Can

I adore this photo. I always look for old watering cans and they are all but impossible to find these days. Don't forget to bring yours inside for the winter or they will fill up with water and freeze which almost always results in a leak. I learned this the hard way. You know I love bluebirds too. Have a great day. via

Monday, November 7, 2011

Steve Jobs’s Genius ----- A Fascinating Article

Jobs’s sensibility was more editorial than inventive.
 “I’ll know it when I see it,” he said.

If you want to save yourself some time and money, read the 1,000 word review of Steve Jobs's authorized biography in The New Yorker. It's absolutely fascinating. Steve's wife deserves a medal.

The Chicken Dance | Video

If these dancing chickens don't make you smile, I don't know what will :)

Laundry Day at My Cottage

My day so far.

Webster and I hung out two loads of clothes today. It was very mild with temperatures in the mid 60s.

I always hang the wicker laundry basket on a piece of rough bark sticking out of this tree.

These ugly apples from a friend's orchard are the most delicious I have ever tasted. We picked all we could reach with our long apple picker on Saturday.

The sun was shining brightly on these leaves and they almost looked as if they were on fire.
(iPhone photos all)

Elephant Fix for The Day

Isn't this a fabulous photo of a mother and her sister taking the baby elephant for a walk? via Pixdaus--click link to enlarge. 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Lakeside Cabins

I actually prefer the first one. Which one do you like? Both were found here.

Charming Baby Painting from Estate Sale

It's not fine art but this charming oil on board of a chubby-cheeked baby sucking on an orange just makes me happy. I picked it up for $5.00 at an estate sale recently during the closing hours. It's hanging in my living room over my tiny television to the right of my fireplace so I can see it often. The lady who sold it said her aunt painted it years ago. Score!

Perfect Sunday Morning Setting

Doesn't this look like the perfect place to spend a nice Sunday morning? via

Everything was covered with a heavy frost when I woke up way too early this morning. Enjoy your extra hour if you live with Daylight Savings Time. Read the hilarious article in the Washington Post. The author says, "My only reason for supporting daylight saving time is that it makes keeping a work-life balance more difficult for vampires."

I certainly don't look forward to darkness setting in at 4:00 in the afternoon, do you?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Pinterest Pet Peeve

I really don't like to waste time and nothing is more frustrating than finding something I really like on Pinterest and the link doesn't take me there.

Read more if you are interested in this photo about an elephant landmine victim with a prosthetic leg here.