Saturday, January 8, 2011

Snowy Landscapes At The Cottage

These landscapes with snow were snapped late yesterday along with Webster's pics that have already been published. He loves it when I tell him his fan club is still going strong. Have a great weekend.

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Snow Caps on Weeds

Maybe we'll get more snow today and maybe we won't. The sky is gray and it's really cold so we'll just have to wait and see. Photo from yesterday. Even the weeds are beautiful with snow caps, aren't they. Have a great weekend. Be back later.

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Friday, January 7, 2011

Bundles of Bat Babies

Baby Bats are swaddled in tiny blankets while trying to recover from the Australian floods. I saw this picture on the nightly news and was delighted to find an article about these cute orphans and their caregivers with more photos right here. I wish I could find a picture of them hanging on the clothes line. That's what they do to these bunting babes when they come out of intensive care. Awwwww.

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Webster the Snow Dog

Webster enjoyed his romp in the snow looking for the fox this afternoon before he ate his dinner. The last photo is something I picked up at a tag sale. It's a dog made from flower pots and I think it was decorated with moss at one time. Today's snow is the perfect ornamentation.

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Meet Mr. Fox

I've seen so many handsome foxes on my property today but can't get anywhere near them. Webster considers them his mortal enemies because no other 4-legged animal is allowed within his territory. He knows the entrance to one of their dens and is always sniffing around there. I honestly hope there is never a confrontation. We never let Tabitha the cat out alone because of them. They are beautiful animals and they eat mice which makes them heroes in my book.

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Giant Rabbit ~ And You Thought Lettuce Wasn't Fattening!

Now that is what I call a giant rabbit. The breed is appropriately called German Giant hare. This big guy is 3 feet long and weighs 22 pounds. His owner says his favorite food is lettuce. Look at those feet. The article is wonderful and shows a photo of another one too. Read more . . . 

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It's Snowing Again

This photo made me laugh. It's snowing pretty hard again here at the cottage. I have to share something with you on how I clean off my car. It's against the law to drive around with a big snow pile on top of your car and I drive a big Suburban (sorry, but I love it) and it's really hard to reach the roof.

I was shopping at the Home Depot last year and spotted one of those rubber SweepA brooms (As Seen on TV) with a wide base and short rubber bristles on one side and a squeegee on the other. It has a retractable aluminum handle with a long reach too. I use it when I wash windows on the outside. This year I got the idea to use it to clean snow off my car and it's wonderful. Nothing gets scratched thanks to the black rubber bristles plus it's fun and fast to use. That's my hint for the day. Stay warm.

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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Cathedral Moon

Goodnight Moon. This seemed to be the perfect last post of the day before trading the computer for a little television. Thanks goodness my shows are back. See you in the morning. image from flickr

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Monograms Galore

Whenever I want to look at the prettiest and most interesting monograms ever, I go here. Hold on to something when you check out the prices. 

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Every Time Zone in a Visual Display I like this site. It's so much easier than counting forward and/or backward on my fingers. It's a good reference for bloggers with a big following in other countries. Why post when they are sleeping? Find the perfect time when everyone is awake. Nice. 

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Free Fonts for Commercial Use ~ Nice!

Here is a very nice site full of free fonts. I'm a fond of fonts as you all know. You should definitely visit and download some of these. Free is good.

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Tangerines in a Georgian Glass Bowl

The Florida tangerines are so delicious right now and so reasonably priced. I try to keep the Georgian glass bowl on my kitchen farm table filled with fruit. The perfect healthy snack is always within easy reach. This grouping is extra tart and juicy and so easy to peel, just the way I like them.

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Wonderful Small Kitchen

Don't you want to see more of this delightful small kitchen? You could stand in one place and pivot. I'm guessing the stove is to the left and the refrigerator is opposite the sink. It's a nice simple design and you know I love the marble counters.

Delightful Illustration

Pretend this is your window. Wouldn't it be nice to look outside and see geese pecking around in the snow? Don't you love the Gothic arches in the picture window? Artwork found here.

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Cool and Goofy Short Film about LEGOs

Don't let this scary face keep you from watching this film about legos. Everybody knows somebody who was once obsessed with these small building bricks and maybe this little film will bring them back again. I don't see the young children I know playing with them these days and it's a shame because legos are the best toys for budding architects and inventors. Watch and laugh and pass it on.

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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tulips of Gold

The black background in this photograph reminds me of the darkness outside my window just now as I write my last post of the day. I'll say goodnight with golden tulips.

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